a premium | an amount of money that is more tna usual | |
to penalise someone | to punish someone or cause them a disadvantage | |
poverty | the state of being very poor | |
injustice | a situation or action in which people are treated unfairly | |
to scale up | to increasethe size, amount, or importance of something | |
a price setter | an entity that is powerful enough to fix the price for which something can be sold | |
fairtrade | a way of buying and selling products that makes` | |
a panacea | something that people believe can solve all their problems | |
a retailer | a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public | |
surge | a sudden and great increase or great movement forwards | |
peak | the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level skill | |
edge towards | to move or cause to move gradually or furtively in a parcticular direction | |
volatile | liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse | |
escalate | to increase rapidly | |
downturn | a decline in economics, business or other activity | |
retail | the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption | |
subsidiary | a company that is owned or controlled by another company | |
turnover | the amount of money taken by a business in a particular period | |
counterfeit | podrabiać, fałszować | |
plummet | runąć, spadać, obniżać się | |
acquisition | nabytek | |
a slump | period of negathive growth | |
sustained | continued | |
bleak | without hope | |
a trade surplus | a positive balance of trade | |
tax revenue | income that is gained by governments through taxation | |
the balance of trade | the difference between the value of country'simports and exports | |
volatile | unstable (niestabilny) | |
counterfeirt goods | not genuine/original products | |
the workforce | the group ofpeople who work in a company, industry, country | |
a spokesperson | a person who is chosen to speak officially for a group/organization | |
a trade deficit | a negative balance of trade | |
an import tariff | a tax on goods coming into a country | |
a retail outlet | a formal expression for a shop | |
inflation | the general rise in orice | |
public spending | money spent by the government | |