wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: Nati
dodaj do moich zestawów
as far as I'm concernedpersonal opinion
a further advantage ofto list adventages A
the greatest adventage ofto list adventages T
a further disadventage ofto list disadventages A
the greeatest disadventage ofto list disadventages T
to start withto list points
afterwardsto list cotniniuing points in a specific sequences
lastlyto list concluding points in a specific sequences L
last but not leastto list concluding points in a specific sequences LB
furthermoreto add more points on the same topic F
moreoverto add more points on the same topic M
besides (this)to add more points on the same topic B
not only ... , but ... as wellto add more points on the same topic N
with reference toto refere to other sources
due to the fact thatto express cause D
owing toto express cause O
thereforeto express effect T
consequentlyto express effect C
for fear (that)to express purpose
for instanceto give examples F
particularyto give examples P
in particular,to give examples I
generally,to make general statement G
in general,to make general statement I
to some extent,to make partially correct statements
as far as I know,to express limit of of knowledge
people often claim thatto state other people's opinion P
some people argue thatto state other people's opinion S
yetto make contrasting points Y
nonethelessto make contrasting points N
althoughto make contrasting points A
in contrast,to express balance (the other side of the argument)
neither ... nor...negative addition ...
neithernegative addition
in other words,to clarify
similarly,to express similarity
... either ... orto give an alternative ...
alternatively,to give an alternative A
providing (that)to express condition
consequently,to express the consequence of a condition
all in all,to conclude AI
taking everything into account,to conclude TE
all things considered,to conclude AT
in conclusion,to conclude I
to sum up,to conclude TS
summing up,to conclude S
regardingreference R
concerningreference C
in shortsummarising I
brieflysummarising B
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