wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: kwisher
MONEYnotes and coins
ACCOUNTa structured record of transaction
ACCOUNTANCYthe practise of accounting
ACCOUNTANTa professional perdon who maintains and checks bussines records
ACCOUNTING EVENTa transaction recorded in a particular book of account
ACCOUNTING FEESpayments paid to an accountant for preparing accounts
ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTa unit in a company that deals with accounts
ACCOUNTS PAYABLEthe amount that a company owes for googds or services obtained on credit
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLEthe money that is owed to a company for goods or services provided
ACCRUED INCOMEmoney that has been earned but not yet received
ACCRUED LIABILITIESmoney which is recorded althought payment has not been made
ADVANCED PAYMENTan amount paid before it is earned
AGGREGATE-SUPPLYthe total of all gooda and services produced in an economy
AMORTISEto reduce the value of an assets gradually by writing off it cost
ANNUAL CHARGEa menagement fee paid yearly
ANNUAL REPORTdocuments prepared each year to give a true and fair view of a company's state of affairs
ASSETany tangible or intangible item to which a value can be assigned
ATMan electronic machine from which bank customers can withdraw paper money
AUDIT COMMITTEEa company's board of directors that monitors the company's finances
BAD DEBTa debt which is considered to be uncollectable
BALANCEthe state of an account
BALANCE SHEETa financial report stating the total assets and liabilities at a given date
BANG FOR THE BUCKreturn on investment
BANKRUPTCYthe condition of being unable to pay debts
BAREFOOT PILGRIMan investor who has lost everythiong in securities
BARREN MONEYmoney that is unproductive because it is not invested
TAKE A BATHsuffer a serious financial loss
BEAN COUNTERa derogatory term for an accountant
BEAR MARKETa market in which prices are falling and in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities rath
BIDan offer to buy all or a majority of the capital shares of a company
BONDa promise to repay with interest on specified dates money that an investor lends a company or a
BOOKKEEPERa person responsible for financial records
BOOKS OF ACCOUNTSledgers and journals used in preparing financial statements
BUDGET DEFICITthe extent by which expenditure exceeds revenue
BUDGET SURPLUSthe extent by which revenue exceeds expenditure
BULL MARKETmarket in which prices are rising and in which a dealer is more likely to buy than sell
CASH DISCOUNTa discount offered to a customer who pays for goods with cash
CASH FLOWthe movement through an organisation of money that is generated by its own operations
CATEGORY KILLERa major organisation that puts out of business smaller companies
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTa qualified professional accountant in the UK
CHEAP MONEYlow interest rates
CLICKS AND MORTARhybrid businesses involved in e-commerce and traditional stores
COLLATERALproperty or goods used as security against a loan
COMMODITIESa good or service, e.g. cotton, wool or a laptop
COMMISSIONa payment made to an intermediary often calculated as a percentage of the value of goods or servi
COMPETITIONrivalry between companies
CREATIVE ACCOUNTINGthe use of accounting methods to hide aspects of a company's financial dealings in order to make
CREDITa financial arrangement to buy goods or services and pay for that at a later date
CREDITORa person or entity to whom money is owed
CURRENT ASSETScash or assets that are readily convertible to cash
CURRENT LIABILITIESmoney owed which falls due for payment within one year
DAISY CHAININGcreating artificial transactions in order to make a particular security appear more active than
DEAR MONEYmoney which has to be borrowed at a high interest rate]
DEBT COLLECTION AGENCYa business that secures the repayment of debts for third parties
DEBTORa person or entity owing money
DEEDa legal document that details the transfer or sale of a property
DEEP POCKETa company or an individual that provides funds for another company
DIRECT DEBITa claim on an individual or organisation by a creditor and paid by the individual's or organisat
DISCOUNTa reduction in the price
DIVERSIFICATIONincreasing the variety of business, service or product types
DIVESTMENTa proportional reduction in an ownership stake
DIVIDENDan amount payable to shareholders from profits
DOWNSIZINGorganisational restructuring
DROP A BUNDLElose a lot of money
DYNAMIC PRICINGpricing that changes in line with demand
EMBEZZLEMENTa financial crime, fraud
ENDORSEo sign a bill or cheque on the back to show that its ownership passes on to another person
ENTREPRENEURsomebody who sets up a business
EXCHANGE RATEthe rate at which one currency can be exchanged for that of another country
EXCISE DUTYa tax on goods such as alcohol or tobacco
EXPENSEa cost incurred in buying goods or services
FILL OR KILLto carry out a client's order immediately or else the order is cancelled
FINANCIAL YEARthe twelve-month period for which a company produces accounts
FIXED ASSETSa long-term asset such as a machine or building
FOREGIN CURRENCYa currency used in a foreign country
GDPGross Domestic Product
GNOMES OF ZURICHa derogatory name for Swiss bankers
GO-GO FUNDa unit trust that trades in high-return and high-risk investments
GOLDEN HANDCUFFSa financial incentive paid to employees to remain in an organisation
GOLDEN HANDSHAKEa sum of money given to a senior executive on his involuntary departure from a company
GO PUBLICto float the shares of a company
HARD CURRENCYa currency that is traded in a foreign exchange market and for which there is demand
HAGGLEto negotiate the price
HEDGE FUNDa unit trust that takes considerable risk
HIRE PURCHASEa method of paying for a product or service where the buyer pays a series of instalments
HOSTIL BIDa takeover bid that is opposed by the target company
HOT ISSUEa new security that is expected to trade at a significant premium on its issue pric
ILLIQUIDnot easily convertible into cash
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
INCOME TAXtax levied on any income
INFLATION RATEa rate at which the general price level increases
INHERITANCE TAXtax payable on property inherited after somebody's death
INSOLVENCYthe inability to pay debts
INTERESTthe rate that a lender charges for a loan
INTERIM DIVIDENDa dividend whose value is determined on the basis of a period less than a full fiscal year
INVOICEdocument that the supplier sends to a customer detailing the cost of product and requesting payment
JOINT VENTUREa project undertaken by two or more parties
LEDGERa book in which transactions are recorded
LEGAL TENDERbanknotes and coins accepted within a given jurisdiction
LESSEEthe person who uses a leased asset
LESSORthe person who provides the asset being leased
LOAN SHARKsomebody who lends money at excessively high rates of interest
LONG-TERM DEBTloans that are due after at least one year
LONG-TERM LIABILITIESloans that are due after at least one year
MAJORITY SHAREHOLDERa shareholder with a controlling interest in a company
MANAGEMENT BUY-OUTpurchase of an existing business by individual manager or management group from within that busines
MARGINthe difference between the cost and the selling price of a service
MARKET ECONOMYan economy in which a free market in goods and services operates
MONEY LAUNDERINGthe process of making money obtained illegally appear legitimate
MORTAGAGEa credit to finance the acquisition of land and real property
NATIONAL DEBTthe total borrowing of a country's government
NEAR MONEYassets that can be quickly turned into cash, e.g. bank deposits, short-dated bonds
NYSENew York Stock Exchange
OVERDRAFTwithdrawal of more money from a bank account than it contains
PAYROLLa record showing each employee his gross pay, deductions and net pay
PAYSLIPa document given to employees when they are paid
PENSIONmoney received regularly after retirement
PRINCIPALthe original amount of a loan not including interest
PARENT COMPANYa company which has not been registered as a public company
PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTthe summary record of a company's sales revenues and expenses over a period
PROFITEERan individual who aims to make excessive profits disregarding others
PUBLIC DEBTthe money that the government owes
QUOTED COMPANIEScompanies listed on a stock exchange
RED TAPEexcessive bureaucracy
REVENUEthe income generated by a product or service
ROGUE TRADERa dealer in stocks and shares who uses illegal methods to make profits
ROYALTIESa proportion of the income from the sales of a product to its creator or owner, e.g. a land owner, i
SALARYa form of pay given to employees at regular intervals for the work they have done
SAVING ACCOUNTan account with a bank that pays interest
SECONDARY MARKETa market that trades in existing shares rather than new share issues
SHAREHOLDERa person or entity that owns shares in a company
SHARE ISSUEthe offering for sale of shares in a business
SLEEPING PARTNERa person/entity that invests money in a company but takes no part in the management of the business
STOCK EXCHANGEa registered market in securities
TARIFFa government duty imposed on imports
TAX EVASIONthe illegal practice of paying less money in taxes than is due
TAX HAVENa country that has very low taxes
TIGERany of the key markets in the Pacific region, except Japan: Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore,Taiwan
TIGHT MONEYa situation where it is expensive to borrow money
TREASURYgovernment department responsible for the nation's financial policies, the management of its econom
TURNOVERtotal sales revenue for an accounting period
TYRE KICKERa potential customer who asks for information and requires attention but does not buy anything
UNEMPLOYMENTsituation when some members of a country's labor force are willing to work but can't find employment
UNLIMITED LIABILITYfull responsibility for the obligations of a general partnership
UNLISTED COMPANYa company that has no securities listed on a stock exchange
VARIABLE INTEREST RATEan interest rate that changes in relation to a standard index during the period of a loan
VATvalue-added tax
WAGESa form of pay given to employees for the work they have done on a weekly basis
WEAR AND TEARthe deterioration of a tangible fixed asset as a result of normal use
WHITE KNIGHTsomeone eg. company's management who buys the company when a hostile company is trying to buy it
WHIZZ KIDa young, successful person who makes a lot of money in large financial transactions
WHITE ELEPHANTproduct or service that hasn't sold well despite large amounts of money pumped into its development
WRITE-OFFa reduction in the recorded value of an asset, usually to zero
YIELDpercentage of the amount invested that is the annual income from the investment