Given 1 | Zważywszy na, biorąc pod uwagę Knowing about or considering a particular thing | |
Given 2 | Dany, ustalony Already decided, arranged, or agreed | |
Given 3 | Pewnik, znany fakt, ustalony fakt, coś pewnego Something that is certain | |
Wacky | Zwariowany, odjechany, szurnięty Strange in a pleasing and exciting or silly way | |
Due | Expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time | |
Due to sb/sb (Because of) | Dzięki komuś, z jakiegoś powodu | |
Resolve (Solve or Decide) | 1. Rozwiązywać (np. problem) 2. Postanawiać, zdecydować się | |
Dealings | Kontakty, stosunki Activities or relations involving other people, esp. in business | |
At lenghts | For a long time | |
Credit (praise) | 1. Kredyt 2. Zasługa, uznanie Praise, approval, or honour | |
Sound | 1. Rozsądny, logiczny 2. Solidny, godny zaufania | |
Infidelity | Zdrada małżeńska, niewierność An act of having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife | |
One-size-fits-all | Uniwersalny (np. plan, metoda) Intended to be suitable for everyone or every purpose | |
Meticulous | Dokładny, drobiazgowy, skrupulatny Very careful and with great attention to every detail | |
Subvert | Obalać (np. rząd)To try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system | |
Subside | Ustępować (o bólu), opadać (o emocjach) If a condition subsides, it becomes less strong or extre | |
Varnish | Lakier, lakierować To put varnish on a surface | |
Savage | Brutalny, okrutny Extremely violent, wild, or frightening | |
Savage 2 | Brutalnie zaatakować, ostro skrytykować To criticize someone cruelly | |
Salvage | Ocalić, uratować, ocalenie To save something valuable from damage, destruction, or loss | |
At the expense of sb | Z kogoś (np. żartować sobie) Making another person look silly | |
Get by | Radzić sobie finansowo, dawać sobie radę To be able to live or deal with a situation with difficu | |
Take something in | Pojąć coś, zapamiętywać coś To completely understand the meaning or importance of something | |
Take somebody in | Przyjmować kogoś, gościć kogoś To provide a place for someone to live or stay | |
Fizzy (carbonated) | Gazowany Having a lot of bubbles | |
Rivalry [raivery] (competition, contention) | Rywalizacja, współzawodnictwo A situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each othe | |
Gourmet | 1. Wyśmienity (Of food) very high quality 2. Smakosz A person who knows a lot about food and cookin | |
Ice cream parlour [parla] | Lodziarnia | |
Undertaking | Przedsięwzięcie A job, business, or piece of work | |
Whistle-blower | Informator, demaskator A person who tells someone in authority about something illegal that is happe | |
Bamboozle | Robić w bambuko, wykiwać To trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them | |
Outdo | Przewyższać, prześcignąć To be, or do something, better than someone else | |
Excruciating | Nieznośny, potworny (np. ból) Extremely painful | |
Lousy | parszywy, Nędzny, kiepski, podły, okropny (np. bardzo złej jakości) Very bad | |
Scrap 1 | Pdwoływać (np. plany), zrywać (np. umowę) To not continue with a system or plan | |
Scrap 2 | Oddawać na złom, wyrzucać na śmietnik To get rid of something that is no longer useful or wanted | |
Upsurge | Gwałtowny przyrost, nagły wzrost A sudden and usually large increase in something | |
Bring about | Spowodować coś, doprowadzić do czegoś To cause something to happen | |
Sell somebody out | To betray in order to gain an advantage or benefit | |
Twitch | 1. tik (np. nerwowy) 2. Skurcz, drgawka 3. Drgnąć (oko, ręka...)) | |
Content, please, suit | Zadowolić kogoś | |
Rear (bring sb up, raise) | Wychowywać To care for young animals or children until they are able to care for themselves | |
Minor, juvenile | Nieletni Relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult | |
Municipal | Miejski, komunalny Of or belonging to a town or city | |
Bicker | Sprzeczać się To argue about things that are not important | |
By the book | Zgodnie z zasadami Exactly as the rules tell you | |
See for yourself | Przekonaj się sam | |
As it stands | W obecnej formie, w obecnym stanie rzeczy | |
Concussion | Wstrząśnienie mózgu Temporary damage to the brain caused by a fall or hit on the head | |
Incur | To experience something bad as a result of actions you have taken | |