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Given 1Zważywszy na, biorąc pod uwagę Knowing about or considering a particular thing
Given 2Dany, ustalony Already decided, arranged, or agreed
Given 3Pewnik, znany fakt, ustalony fakt, coś pewnego Something that is certain
WackyZwariowany, odjechany, szurnięty Strange in a pleasing and exciting or silly way
DueExpected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time
Due to sb/sb (Because of)Dzięki komuś, z jakiegoś powodu
Resolve (Solve or Decide)1. Rozwiązywać (np. problem) 2. Postanawiać, zdecydować się
DealingsKontakty, stosunki Activities or relations involving other people, esp. in business
At lenghtsFor a long time
Credit (praise)1. Kredyt 2. Zasługa, uznanie Praise, approval, or honour
Sound1. Rozsądny, logiczny 2. Solidny, godny zaufania
InfidelityZdrada małżeńska, niewierność An act of having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife
One-size-fits-allUniwersalny (np. plan, metoda) Intended to be suitable for everyone or every purpose
MeticulousDokładny, drobiazgowy, skrupulatny Very careful and with great attention to every detail
SubvertObalać (np. rząd)To try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system
SubsideUstępować (o bólu), opadać (o emocjach) If a condition subsides, it becomes less strong or extre
VarnishLakier, lakierować To put varnish on a surface
SavageBrutalny, okrutny Extremely violent, wild, or frightening
Savage 2Brutalnie zaatakować, ostro skrytykować To criticize someone cruelly
SalvageOcalić, uratować, ocalenie To save something valuable from damage, destruction, or loss
At the expense of sbZ kogoś (np. żartować sobie) Making another person look silly
Get byRadzić sobie finansowo, dawać sobie radę To be able to live or deal with a situation with difficu
Take something inPojąć coś, zapamiętywać coś To completely understand the meaning or importance of something
Take somebody inPrzyjmować kogoś, gościć kogoś To provide a place for someone to live or stay
Fizzy (carbonated)Gazowany Having a lot of bubbles
Rivalry [raivery] (competition, contention)Rywalizacja, współzawodnictwo A situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each othe
Gourmet1. Wyśmienity (Of food) very high quality 2. Smakosz A person who knows a lot about food and cookin
Ice cream parlour [parla]Lodziarnia
UndertakingPrzedsięwzięcie A job, business, or piece of work
Whistle-blowerInformator, demaskator A person who tells someone in authority about something illegal that is happe
BamboozleRobić w bambuko, wykiwać To trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them
OutdoPrzewyższać, prześcignąć To be, or do something, better than someone else
ExcruciatingNieznośny, potworny (np. ból) Extremely painful
Lousyparszywy, Nędzny, kiepski, podły, okropny (np. bardzo złej jakości) Very bad
Scrap 1Pdwoływać (np. plany), zrywać (np. umowę) To not continue with a system or plan
Scrap 2Oddawać na złom, wyrzucać na śmietnik To get rid of something that is no longer useful or wanted
UpsurgeGwałtowny przyrost, nagły wzrost A sudden and usually large increase in something
Bring aboutSpowodować coś, doprowadzić do czegoś To cause something to happen
Sell somebody outTo betray in order to gain an advantage or benefit
Twitch1. tik (np. nerwowy) 2. Skurcz, drgawka 3. Drgnąć (oko, ręka...))
Content, please, suitZadowolić kogoś
Rear (bring sb up, raise)Wychowywać To care for young animals or children until they are able to care for themselves
Minor, juvenileNieletni Relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult
MunicipalMiejski, komunalny Of or belonging to a town or city
BickerSprzeczać się To argue about things that are not important
By the bookZgodnie z zasadami Exactly as the rules tell you
See for yourselfPrzekonaj się sam
As it standsW obecnej formie, w obecnym stanie rzeczy
ConcussionWstrząśnienie mózgu Temporary damage to the brain caused by a fall or hit on the head
IncurTo experience something bad as a result of actions you have taken
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