wordki.pl - nauka słówek
homework 8
autor: marti2
ARCHEOLOGYthe study of ancient cultured based on artifacts and other remains
ANTHROPOLOGYstudy of physical,social, and cultural development and behaviour of human beings
ASTROLOGYa pseudoscience claiming to foretell the future by studying stars
ECOLOGYstudy of relationship between organisms and their environment
EMBRYOLOGYstudy of formation and development of embryos
ETNOMOLOGYthe study of insects
ETYMOLOGYthe study of origin and development of words
METEOROLOGYthe study of atmosphere, especially weather and weather conditions
ORNITOLOGYthe branch of zoology dealing with birds
PSYCHOLOGYthe study of mental processes and behavior
GEOLOGYa study of history of earth
MALDAROITnot adroit, not skillful, awkward, clumsy
MALADYa bad condition, a disease
MALAISEa vague feeling of illness or depression
MALAPROPISMnot appropriate
MALARIAa disease once thought to be caused by bad air from the swamps
MALCONTENTone who is badly contented
MALEVOLENTwishing evil towards others
MALFEASANCEwrongdoing, especially by a public official
MALICEactive bad feeling or ill will
MALICIOUSintentionallly bad or harmful
MALIGNto speak evil of
MALIGNATbad or harmful
MALINERto pretend or to be in bad health to go out of work
ANALOGOUSsimilar in some ways but not in others
ANALOGYresemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike
APOLOGYspeaking away, a speech expressing regret for fault or offence
DIALOGUEspeech between two or more people
DOXOLOGYa hymn or expression of praise to God
EPILOGUEa speech directed to the audience at the conclusion of the play
MONOLOGUEa speech by one person
PROLOGUEa speech before a play
TRAVELOGUEa speech or a film about a travel
COLLOQUIALlike the language used when poeple speak together informally
COLLOQIUIUMa speaking together, an academic seminar on some field of study
ELOQUENTspeaking out, fluent, persuasive
GRANDILOQUENTmarked by a lofty, extravagant style
SOLILOQUYa speaking alone to one self, monologue
VENTRILOQUISTone who speaks from the stomach