to drift out of control = to lose control = slowly lose the ability to keep things organized | wymknąć się spod kontroli | |
seal of approval = acceptance | akceptacja | |
to marvel at sth/sb = to show a great appreciation | zachwycać się nad czymś/kimś | |
quaint = old-fashioned in an atractive way | oryginalny, osobliwy, staroświecki, uroczy | |
produce = fruits and vegetables | plony | |
a hive of activity = the center of activity | wrzeć jak w ulu | |
warehouse | magazyn | |
wares = goods/ products to be sold | towary | |
line = stand in a row | ustawić się w szeregu | |
surplus = extra = additional | nadwyżka , dodatkowy | |
critics = people who judge sth/sb | krytyk | |
to part with sth = to give away sth = to share sth = to let go of sth | podzielić się czymś | |
distracted = to have your attention | odwrócić uwagę | |
prolong = make sth continue for longer =extend | przedłużać | |
hustle and bustle = noisy activity | zgiełk i zamęt | |
purchase = sth that has been bought | zakup | |
confession | spowiedz | |
to confess = to admit | spowiadać się | |
sin | grzech | |
siner | grzesznik | |
to wander =to walk aimlessly | błądzić | |
shrieks = shouts = screams | krzyczeć,piszczeć | |
to gaze at sth/sb = to stare | wpatrywać się , gapić się | |
bargain = sell sth we buy at good price | okazja | |
to explore = to investigate | zbadać,odkrywać | |
procession = parade | procesja | |
crowning = to award sb a title | koronacja | |
crown | korona , szczyt | |
significance = importance | znaczenie, ważność | |
feature = aspect | cecha | |
to cope with sb/sth = to deal with sth/sb | dawać sobie radę z czymś kimś | |
weave = to move somewhere by turning and changing direction a lot | przewijać się | |