opening bell | the beginning of a day of trading on a market | |
opening price | a price for a security at the beginning of a trading day | |
overdraw | withdraw more money from a bank account than it contains | |
overdraft | withdrawal of more money from a bank account than it contains | |
paper money | banknotes | |
Parquet | Paris Bourse | |
pawnbroker | a person who lends money against a security, e.g. jewellery, cars etc. | |
Pay As You Earn (PAYE) | Pay As You Earn (PAYE) | |
payroll | a list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each | |
payslip | a document given to employees when they are paid | |
penny shares | very low-priced stock that is a speculative investment | |
per capita income | the average income of each of a particular group of people, e.g. citizens of a country | |
personal identification number | (PIN) | |
petty cash | a small amount of money used for minor business expenses | |
Petty Cash account | a record of small cash payments for minor business expenses | |
pensions | money received regularly after retirement | |
poison pill | a measure taken by a company to avoid a hostile takeover | |
price instability | a situation in which the prices alter daily | |
principal | the original amount of a loan not including interest | |
private company | a company which has not been registered as a public company | |
problem child | a subsidiary company that is not performing well | |
parent company | a company with one or more subsidiary undertakings | |
proceeds | an income from a transaction | |
profit and loss account | the summary record of a company's sales revenues and expenses over a period | |
profiteer | an individual who aims to make excessive profits disregarding others | |
profit motive | a desire of a business to make profit | |
pro forma invoice | an invoice sent to the purchaser in advance of goods | |
projection | an expected future trend | |
Protectionism | a government economic policy of restricting the level of imports | |
protective tariffs | a tariff imposed to restrict imports | |
public debt | the money that the government owes | |
public limited companies | quoted companies with shares listed on the stock exchange | |
pump-priming | the injection of further investment in order to revitalise a company in stagnation | |
quoted companies | companies listed on a stock exchange | |
rating agency | an organisation which gives a rating to companies issuing bonds | |
Reaganomics | the economic policy of US President Ronald Reagan | |
receivership | a state of insolvency prior to liquidation | |
recession | a slowdown in the business cycle | |
recovery | the return to economic health after a depression | |
Red tape | excessive bureaucracy | |
refinancing | the process of taking out a loan to pay off other loans | |
Reserve Bank | a bank such as a US Federal Reserve that holds the reserves of other banks | |
Retail banking | services provided by commercial banks to individuals | |
revenue | the income generated by a product or service | |
revolving credit | a credit facility which allows the borrower to borrow or repay debt as required | |
rigged market | a market where two or more parties are buying and selling securities among themselves to give the im | |
risk capital | money used to finance new companies | |
ROI | return on investment | |
rogue trader | a dealer in stocks and shares who uses illegal methods to make profits | |
royalties | a proportion of the income from the sales of a product to its creator or owner, e.g. a land owner, i | |
public offering | a method of raising money used by a company by which it invites the public to apply for shares | |