wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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T&R part 4
autor: cafelatte
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hireemploy, give job
horse ridingthe activity of riding horses
hospital treatmentthe care and medical tests you receive when being a patient at hospital
hospitality industrygroup of businesses providing hotel/travel/catering etc. services
hotel/room daya day of your stay at a hotel
IDany document that proves your identity
inboundcoming into a country
incentive traveltrips organised for employees to increase motivation,reward them, offer encouragement
independent travellerspeople who organise their holidays themselves
indigenousnative (people, tribes)
indispensable necessary
individual tourism tourism for individual tourists not organised into large groups
industrial region dominated by industry and industrial facilities
inhabitanta person or animal that lives in a particular place
insect repellent substance which pushes back insects and protects you from bites
invoicea list of things provided or work done, together with their cost, for payment at a later time
innauberge, tavern
islanda piece of land completely surrounded by water
itinerarya detailed plan/route for the journey/trip
jet lagtemporary disruption of your biological rhythm after a fast long journey
Lakenatural reservoir of fresh water
lambmeat obtained from young sheep
landmarks places, objects or installations characteristic for a particular location
landscapesurroundings, scenery
leisurerecreation, relaxation
low seasonthe time when very few tourists come to a particular place
luggage baggage, your belongings taken to a trip/journey etc
luggage rack a shelf-like construction to put your luggage during your journey
Mass tourism tourism for large groups of people
mealsdishes, food prepared in some specific ways
medical insurance coverage in case of any health problems or hospital treatment stays during your holidays abroad
medium/mild/harsh climatemoderate / severe weather conditions
mountain climbingascending high mountains with special equipment
narrow-gauge traina railway track with a smaller distance between the rails than the standard 56 inches
national regulationsa set of legal regulations, laws followed in a particular country
national/landscape parkan area declared to be public property by a national government with a view to its preservation
nativelocal, indigenous
natural environment all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth, our natural surroundings
necessitiesindispensable things
negotiate the priceto haggle
night shifta period of time at night when some people have to work
non-refundable ticketsthe tickets that you cannot get back your money for in case you want to cancel your trip
off the beaten track outside well-known and popular routes
on the housesomething served for free, a treat
one-way ticket (AmE)a ticket that allows you to go only to your destination point, without return
open-jaw ticket a ticket that allows you to go to your destination point and to return from another place
opening hourshours when a business operates and provides services to customers
(place) an orderoffically order something
outboundgoing outside the country
overchargetake too much money for the service or goods
packput all your belongings into a suitcase, a backpack etc.
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