wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Ang kolos 2
autor: studia2
couponthe annual interest rate paid on a bond
fixed maturity dateThe date at which the issuer promises to pay the purchaser back in full
insolventunable to pay debts owed
Treasury NotesUnited States government obligation with a maturity of 2 to 10 years
Treasury BondsUnited States government bond with maturity of 30 years
gilt-edgedOf the highest quality available
saleablepossible to sell
To quote bid and offer pricespodać ceny kupna i sprzedaży
spreadthe difference beetwen two prices, rates or yields
yieldthe rate of income an investor receives from a security
pension fundsfunds that invest money that will be paid to people after they retire from work
principalthe amount of capital making up a bond or other loan - kwota główna
market makersbusiness that buy and sell securities
dividentpayments by companies to their shareholders
creditorspeople or institusion to whom money is owned