given to something | have the tendency |
take to | begin to like something |
get/fall into the habit | begin to do regularly |
gush out | rozlewać/przeciekać |
expedite | make something happen quickly |
inundate | przytłoczyc czymś |
dearth | niedobór/niedostatek |
yardstick | wyznaczony standard |
par | the usual/the expected |
spurring | to encourage into something |
eliciting | causing/baiting someone to response |
inciting | podburzać/bait someone into violence |
luring | baiting into taking up on the offer |
faint | unclear/not precise (outline) |
secluded | odosobniony |
far-away look | rozkojarzony/zamyslony/deep in thought |
quick to blame | pochopnie |
impulsive | impulsywny |
abrupt | sudden/unexpect outcome/reaction to something |
prompt | szybkie/bezopoznienia |
weighed up | consider goods and bads |
set against | compare two things |
indulgent | pobłażliwy/forgiving, allowing someone for things |
sorely | very much feeling an emotion |
utterly | completely |
excess | nadmiernie/beyond limit |
utmost | as much as possible, best |
afflicted | suffered from illness |
absent-minded | forgetful |
venal | corrupt |
gloomy | miserable |
cynical | tends to see negatives |
persimonious | mean |
vulgar | rude, likely to offend |
shallow | incapable of serious thought |
arrogant | too self-confidnet |
introspective | tending to analyse yourself |
insecure | lacking confidence |
smug | too self-satisfied |
autocratic | expects everyone to obey |
amoral | having no principles |
selfish | thinking only of own wishes |
keg | keg/baryłka |
circuit | turniej/competition |
argot | żargon/dżargon |
busted | przyłapany |
denouement | finał |
shed | szopa |
specimen | okaz |
gulf | przepaść |
feat | wyczyn |
recluse | odludek/hermit |
shuddering to a halt | zatrzymać się nagle |
send up | increase/mock |
disguise | przebranie |
aberration | dziwactwo/odchylenie od normy |
confined | limited |
grip | kontrolować coś/chwycić (swój los) |
gait | sposób chodzenia |
lash out | uderzyć/explode |
take to one's heels | uciec/przylapać |
caned | uderzyć laską |
beyond the pale | poza granicami akceptacji |
to rectify | correct mistake |
perils | niebezpieczenstwa |
twirling | twisting |
crastfallen | miserable/przybity |
a smear | smarowidło |
scooped up | nabrać, zgarniać |
snug | dopasowany |