wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: bazia
hackera person who gets into someone else's computer
virusa computer program which make copies of itself and harm a computer
spamunwanted email, especially advertisements
extortionobtaining something ex money by using force (oszustwo)
scaman illegal plan to make money
sweatshopzakład pracy, small factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours
con (somebody)to trick someone in order to make them give you their money
fraudobtaining money by deceiving people
unsolicitednot requested niepożądany niechciany
securea network (to make a network safe from virus, hackers etc)
launcha malicious programme (to introduce a programme which is intended to cause damage)
propagatea virus (to produce and spread copies of a virus)
bombarda webstie (to attack a website with continuous hits until it stops working)
bypasssecurity measures (to avoid a security measures by going around them f.e. in a clever or illegal way
crasha website (to stop a website from working)