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Transitive Separable Phrasal Verbs 2
autor: wuja777
dodaj do moich zestawów
make s.t. upcreate
pass s.t. ongive to
pass s.t. outdistribute
pass s.o. or s.t. overdecide not to use
pass s.o. or s.t. updecide not to use, reject
pay s.o. or s.t. backrepay
pick s.o. or s.t. outchoose
pick s.o. or s.t. uplift/go get someone or something
pick s.t. upget (an idea/a new book)/answer the phone
point s.o. or s.t. outindicate
put s.t. awayput in an appropriate place
put s.t. backreturn to its original place
put s.o. or s.t. downstop holding
put s.t. offdelay
put s.t. oncover the body (with clothes/lotion)
put s.t. togetherassemble
put s.t. uperect
set s.t. upprepare for use/establish (a business)
shut s.t. offstop (a machine/light)
straighten s.t. upmake neat
switch s.t. onstart (a machine/light)
take s.o. or s.t. backreturn
take s.t. offremove
talk s.o. infopersuade
talk s.t. overdiscuss
tear s.t. downdestroy
tear s.t. offremove by tearing
tear s.t. uptear into small pieces
think s.t. overconsider
think s.t. upinvent
throw s.t. away/output in the trash, discard
try s.t. onput clothing on to see if it fits
try s.t. outuse to see if it works
turn s.o. or s.t. downreject
turn s.t. downlower the volume (a TV/radio)
turn s.t. ingive work (to a boss/teacher0, submit
turn s.o. or s.t. intochange from one from to another
turn s.o. off[slang] destroy interest in
turn s.t. offstop (a machine/light), extinguish
turn s.t. onstart (a machine/light)
turn s.t. upmake louder (a TV/radio)
use s.t. upuse completely, consume
wake s.o. upawaken
work s.t. outsolve, find a solution to a problem
write s.t. downwrite on a piece of paper
write s.t. upwrite in a finished form
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