wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 16.04.2023
moralethe level of confidence and positive feelings that people have
self-esteemfeeling that we are valued and important
acknowledgementrecognition of the importance or quality of something
self-fulfilmenta feeling of satisfaction that you have achieved what you wanted
achievementsomething that a person, company, etc. has done or finished successfully
empowermentgiving people more control over their work
enablinggiving someone the tools and skills to do sth
assertivebehaving confidently and being able to say in a direct way what you want or believe
commitmentwillingness to give your time and energy to a job or activity that you believe in
enrichmentmaking sth better and more enjoyable
autonomypower to make independent decisions
meaningfulnessquality of being serious, useful and important
enlargementmaking sth bigger
assignmentpiece of work that you must do as part of your job
innovatora person who solves difficult problems with creative ideas
evaluatora person who thinks carefully and accurately about things
specialista person who has expert knowledge in key areas
implementera person who takes basic ideas and makes them work in practice
shapera person who gets involved quickly with lots of energy
finishera person who likes completing things on time and on budget
coordinatora central person who makes sure everyone works well together
team workera person who is caring, a good listener and works hard to resolve problems
promotera person who is enthusiastic and sees the big picture
accuratecorrect or exact
efficientworking well and not wasting time or energy
reliableable to be trusted or believed
patiencethe ability to stay calm and not get angry
laissez-faireallowing things to happen and not trying to control them
flexibleable to change or be changed easily according to the situation
decisivestrongly affecting how a situation will progress or end
sensibleshowing good judgment, reasonable
sensitiveeasily upset by the things people say or do
rigidnot able to change or be changed easily
active listeninglistening with full attention and not interupting
forminga stage where people get to know each other
head peoplepeople who are good at thinking and problem solving
hands peoplepeople who are good at doing and acting
heart peoplepeople who are good at networking and resolving conflicts
adjourninga stage where the job is finished often with celebration
performinga stage where people focus on solvinf problems and doing tasks
norminga stage where people sort out the way of working together
storminga stage where team members clarify their roles and expectations
on the grapevinepassed from one person to another in conversation
top-downused to refer to a situation in which decisions are made by a few people in authority
milestonesevents that mark an important stage in a process
bottom-upstarting at the lowest levels or from the smallest details of an organization
brainstormingan activity or business method in which a group of people meet to suggest a lot of new ideas for pos