Content | The subject of matter of the book, speech, programme | |
Ahead of the curve | Ahead of current thinking or trends | |
Powerhouse | A person or thing of great energy, strength, power | |
Allude to | Suggest or call attention to indirectly, nawiązać do | |
Revenue | Income | |
Rental | Available to rent | |
Tap into | To take or use what is needwd from energy suply or amount of money | |
Lodging | A place to stay | |
Tailor | To make sth so that is exactly right for someone’s needs | |
Stunning | Very attractive, surprising | |
Dedicate | Made for or used onlybfor one particular purpose | |
Decency | Behaviour that is good and moral | |
Box office | The number of tickets sold for film, a measure how popular and succesfull it was | |
Top-grossing | A product or service especially a film that earns more money than others | |
Depict | Represent, show sth in picture, film | |
Trope | Idea, phrase, image which is often used in particular artist works | |
Objectify | Treat sb like a toy or object | |
Agency | Ability to take action or to choose what action to take | |
Voxels | Small boxes which build 3D model | |
Heuristics | Approach to problem solving based on scientific research | |
Participant | Volunteer in scientific study | |
Samples | Smaller parts of sth | |
Superficial | Shallow, trivial, pointless | |
Repressed | Sth we deny, we don’t want to admit to ourselves | |
Exaggerated | False, hyperbolised | |
Ubiquitus | Present everywhere and everytime (ponadczasowy) | |
Incite | Encourage sb to do or feel sth unpleasant or violent | |
Hit close to home | To affect deeply because sb can relate with it | |
Roll out | To make new product available for the first time | |
Abuzz | Filled with noise and activity | |
Prompt | To make sth happen | |
Spur | Make sth happen faster | |
Commit sth to memory | Make sure that you remember sth | |
Denialism | Practice of rejecting propositions which are supported by scientific or historical evidence | |
Greenwashing | Activities which make people believe that a company is doing more to protect environment than it is | |
Brief | Short, quick | |
To commute | Make the same journey regulary between work and home | |
To tackle | Try to deal with sth or sb | |
Stake | A part of business that you own or amount of money you invested | |
Nautical | Relating to boats and sailing | |
Cornerstone | Sth very important that sth else depends on | |
To keep pace with | To go as fast as | |
Beverage | A drink | |
Hospitality | A friendly welcomw for guests | |
Surplus | An amount of money that is left over | |
Budget | The amount of money you plan to spend | |
Debt | An amount of money that you owe | |
Gross domestic product | A yearly value of goods and services in a country | |
Return | A profit on money that you invested | |
Exceeded | Was greater that a number or amount | |
Pageant | Contest | |
Melting-pot | A place where many different cultures and people exist together mixing | |
Indigenous | Relating to people who originaly lived in the place rather than people who moved there | |
Dwindling | Getting smaller | |
Coercion | Use force to make sb do sth they don’t want to | |
Unviable | Unable to succed, unable to work as intended | |
Impeccable | Accurate, right, perfect | |
Slate | List of candidates | |
Box office grosses | Income from tickets | |
Haul | The biggest money maker | |
Obscurity | Unclear, unknown | |
Quip | Funny remark, fast reaction | |
Rudimentary | Simple, basic, old | |
By implication | Suggestion indirect | |
Rants | Speak about sth in negative way | |
Home decor | A style or scheme of interior decoration | |
Eviction | The act or process of officially forcing sb to leave a house or piece of land | |
Destitution | The state of having no money or possessions | |
Coda | A separate passage at the end of film book or speech that finishes it off | |
Formulaic | Not original | |
Inception | The start of an institution or activity | |
Upt | Appropriate, timely, right, seemly | |
Vicarious moment | Experienced by reading or watching about others experience rather that by doing it yourself | |
Susceptibility | Podatność | |
Fit the bill | Suitable, right for the position | |
Wrap up | End, finish | |
Hard-baked | Typical for | |
Veil of silence | Always quiet, never communicates | |
Lost in translation | Difficult to express in different language | |
Poped out | Decide not to take part in | |
Spike | Rise, growth | |
Trending | Be changing into, be moving toward | |
Boost | improve, increase | |
Incur | Cause | |
Confer | Bring | |
Obscure | ambiguous, dwuznaczny, niejasny | |
draughtsman | a person who draws | |
contradictory | Conflicting, paradoxical | |
juxtapose | to pair; to set side by side | |
oeuvre | an artist’s whole body of work | |
To boast | To show off | |
heliotype | a photomechanically produced plate for pictures or type by exposing a gelatin film under | |
to permeate | to pervade; to penetrate | |
teeter | stagger; to stumble; to balance (Chwiać się?) | |
on the brink | On the edge, na skraju | |
walk the talk | acting in a way that agrees with the things person says | |
Blacksmith | person who makes and repairs iron objects and horseshoes | |
sustainability | the quality of causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able continue long time | |
anvil | heavy block of iron on which heated pieces of metal are made into a particular shape with a hamer | |
insulation | material that is used to stop heat, sound, or electricity from escaping or entering | |
yield | supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information | |
grassroots | the ordinary people in a society, movement, or organization | |
versatile | able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different Purposes | |