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Angielski studia semestr II
autor: iziaki
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ContentThe subject of matter of the book, speech, programme
Ahead of the curveAhead of current thinking or trends
PowerhouseA person or thing of great energy, strength, power
Allude toSuggest or call attention to indirectly, nawiązać do
RentalAvailable to rent
Tap intoTo take or use what is needwd from energy suply or amount of money
LodgingA place to stay
TailorTo make sth so that is exactly right for someone’s needs
StunningVery attractive, surprising
DedicateMade for or used onlybfor one particular purpose
DecencyBehaviour that is good and moral
Box officeThe number of tickets sold for film, a measure how popular and succesfull it was
Top-grossingA product or service especially a film that earns more money than others
DepictRepresent, show sth in picture, film
TropeIdea, phrase, image which is often used in particular artist works
ObjectifyTreat sb like a toy or object
AgencyAbility to take action or to choose what action to take
VoxelsSmall boxes which build 3D model
HeuristicsApproach to problem solving based on scientific research
ParticipantVolunteer in scientific study
SamplesSmaller parts of sth
SuperficialShallow, trivial, pointless
RepressedSth we deny, we don’t want to admit to ourselves
ExaggeratedFalse, hyperbolised
UbiquitusPresent everywhere and everytime (ponadczasowy)
InciteEncourage sb to do or feel sth unpleasant or violent
Hit close to homeTo affect deeply because sb can relate with it
Roll outTo make new product available for the first time
AbuzzFilled with noise and activity
PromptTo make sth happen
SpurMake sth happen faster
Commit sth to memoryMake sure that you remember sth
DenialismPractice of rejecting propositions which are supported by scientific or historical evidence
GreenwashingActivities which make people believe that a company is doing more to protect environment than it is
BriefShort, quick
To commuteMake the same journey regulary between work and home
To tackleTry to deal with sth or sb
StakeA part of business that you own or amount of money you invested
NauticalRelating to boats and sailing
CornerstoneSth very important that sth else depends on
To keep pace withTo go as fast as
BeverageA drink
HospitalityA friendly welcomw for guests
SurplusAn amount of money that is left over
BudgetThe amount of money you plan to spend
DebtAn amount of money that you owe
Gross domestic productA yearly value of goods and services in a country
ReturnA profit on money that you invested
ExceededWas greater that a number or amount
Melting-potA place where many different cultures and people exist together mixing
IndigenousRelating to people who originaly lived in the place rather than people who moved there
DwindlingGetting smaller
CoercionUse force to make sb do sth they don’t want to
UnviableUnable to succed, unable to work as intended
ImpeccableAccurate, right, perfect
SlateList of candidates
Box office grossesIncome from tickets
HaulThe biggest money maker
ObscurityUnclear, unknown
QuipFunny remark, fast reaction
RudimentarySimple, basic, old
By implicationSuggestion indirect
RantsSpeak about sth in negative way
Home decorA style or scheme of interior decoration
EvictionThe act or process of officially forcing sb to leave a house or piece of land
DestitutionThe state of having no money or possessions
CodaA separate passage at the end of film book or speech that finishes it off
FormulaicNot original
InceptionThe start of an institution or activity
UptAppropriate, timely, right, seemly
Vicarious momentExperienced by reading or watching about others experience rather that by doing it yourself
Fit the billSuitable, right for the position
Wrap upEnd, finish
Hard-bakedTypical for
Veil of silenceAlways quiet, never communicates
Lost in translationDifficult to express in different language
Poped outDecide not to take part in
SpikeRise, growth
TrendingBe changing into, be moving toward
Boostimprove, increase
Obscureambiguous, dwuznaczny, niejasny
draughtsmana person who draws
contradictoryConflicting, paradoxical
juxtaposeto pair; to set side by side
oeuvrean artist’s whole body of work
To boastTo show off
heliotypea photomechanically produced plate for pictures or type by exposing a gelatin film under
to permeateto pervade; to penetrate
teeterstagger; to stumble; to balance (Chwiać się?)
on the brinkOn the edge, na skraju
walk the talkacting in a way that agrees with the things person says
Blacksmithperson who makes and repairs iron objects and horseshoes
sustainabilitythe quality of causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able continue long time
anvilheavy block of iron on which heated pieces of metal are made into a particular shape with a hamer
insulationmaterial that is used to stop heat, sound, or electricity from escaping or entering
yieldsupply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information
grassrootsthe ordinary people in a society, movement, or organization
versatileable to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different Purposes
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