wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: mjfrederic
branda type of product made by particular company
standard of livinghow you live in terms of money
chain storea set of shops/ hotels/restaurants
a corporationa group of companies forming a single, large organization
a clashan argument or fight between two or more groups of people
domestichappening/produced in a single country
goodsthings that are produced in order to be sold
networka system of wires, roads or electronic connections
massinvolving a very large number of people
non native speakersomeone who has learned a particular language
immigrationthe process of entering another country in order to live there
multinationalinvolving more than two countries
global worldwideappearing or occurring everywhere in the world
multi-ethnichaving a variety of different races
produceagricultural and other natural products
productan article or substance that is manufactured
cosmopolitanismfamiliarity with many people and places
inevitablecertain to happen and impossible to avoid
shalownesslack of depth, superficiality
seen through a prism ofviewed from a particular perspective
ethnic enclavesculturally distinct units within territory
would be refugeespeople who would like to leave their country
homogenizationprocess of blending and become one entity
mass migrationlarge movements of people
registerbecome clear about
melting potsituation or place in which many cultures blend
widento become larger in degree or range
eclecticmade up of or combining elements from
prosperousrich and successful