rage | anger, fury, violence | |
long-suffering | patient, tolerant, uncomplaining | |
customer | client | |
steep | sharp and sudden | |
climb | rise, increase (noun + verb) | |
apparently | 1. evidently, clearly / 2. seemingly (so it seems) | |
familiar | well-known | |
stem (from) | result (from), develop (from) | |
interminable | endless | |
takeoff | plane departure, the start of flight | |
cooped up | crammed, confined (shut into a small place) | |
tarmac | an airport runway (usually covered with asphalt) | |
unrest | protest, tumult | |
common | frequent, usual | |
misbehaviour | rudeness | |
convict | a criminal, prisoner | |
explanation | interpretation, definition | |
phenomenon | an observable event | |
blame | accuse | |
fault | defect, mistake, guilt | |
cram | overcrowd | |
cabin / flight crew | personnel on a plane | |
training | education, preparation (for a job) | |
in addition | what is more, moreover... | |
concern | worry | |
harm | damage, hurt | |
sophisticated | advanced, complicated | |
device | machine, gadget | |
capacity | ability to receive or contain (e.g. guests in a hotel etc.) | |
valuable | precious | |
aviation fuel | petrol for planes | |
settings | the position in which something is set | |
campaigner | demonstrator, activist | |
improved | better | |
soaring | very high | |
issue | matter, subject | |
bill of rights | a declaration of certain privilages, laws | |
disruptive | causing problems, difficult to stand | |
penalty | punishment | |
offender | someone who breaks the law | |
legislation | a law, group of laws, or the process of making laws | |
deny | refuse, disagree with | |
contribute | lead to, be partly responsible for | |
at last | finally, in the end | |
attempt | to try | |
respond | to reply, to answer | |
major | main | |
announce | to make publicly known | |
concession | compromise, give-and-take | |
room | space | |
customer satisfaction / dissatisfaction | ability to make your customers happy / unhappy | |
subway | underground / tube | |
downtown | city centre | |
carry-on | hand luggage | |
one way | single | |
round trip | return | |
freeway | motorway | |
rest room | public toilet | |
elevator | lift | |
coach class | economy class | |
schedule | timetable | |
parking lot | car park | |
cab | taxi | |
overseas | international, foreign, abroad | |
overbooking | selling more tickets than seats availabe | |
venue | place where something happens (e.g. a conference, meeting) | |
line | queue | |
jet lag | tired and confused feeling after a long flight, change of time zone | |
expense | cost, payment | |
cancellation | annulment | |