wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: epocha
GeneticsThe study of gene structure and action and the patterns of inheritance of traits from parent to offs
AllelesAlternate forms of the same gene. Because they are different, their action may result in different e
Genotypethe genetic makeup of an individual for a trait or for all of his/her inherited traits –not the obse
Homozygous genotypeA genotype consisting of two identical alleles of a gene for a particular trait.
Heterozygous genotypeA genotype consisting of two different alleles of a gene for a particular trait.
PhenotypeThe observable or detectable characteristics of an individual organism; the detectable expression of
Dominant allelethe general term for an allele that is masked in the phenotype by the presence of another allele.
Recessive alleleThe general term for an allele that is masked in the phenotype by the presence of another allele.
Principle of segregationGregor Mendel’s principle of genetic inheritance stating that, for any particular trait, the pair of
Principle of independent assortmentGregor Mendel’s principle of genetic inheritance stating that different pairs of genes are passed to
The genetic code- the sequence of bases on DNA that codes for a protein.
RNAribonucleic acid is a biologically important type of molecule that consists of a long chain of nucle
m-RNAtype of ribonucleic acid which function is to copy base sequence on DNA and carry it out of nucleus,
t-RNAthe smallest parts of ribonucleic acid, which function is picking up free amino acids in cytoplasm a
ChromosomesThe nucleus contains thread-like
NucleotideA DNA molecule is made up of thousands of units, each called a