detached house | dom wolnostojący | |
semi-detached house | bliźniak | |
terraced house | dom szeregowy | |
block of flats | blok | |
cottage | chata | |
basement = a part of building which is under the level of the ground | piwnica ↓ | |
celler = a room under the building used for storing things | piwnica ↑ | |
study = a room where you can read or work quietly | gabinet | |
loo = a room with a toilet | ubikacja | |
attic = a room under tke roof | poddasze | |
loft = a space under the roof used for storing things | strych | |
utility room = a room that contains e.g. a washing machine , tumble dryer, ironing board , etc. | pomieszczenie gospodarcze | |
pantry = larder = a small room where food is stored | spiżarka | |
landing = an area at the top of a flight of stairs | półpiętro | |
porch = a small area covered by a roof at the entrance to a house | ganek | |
shed = a small building usually made of wood used for storing things | szopa | |
rug | dywanik | |
heater | kaloryfer | |
ladder | drabina | |
remote control | pilot | |
door mat | wycieraczka | |
residential area | osiedle mieszkaniowe | |
a landlord | właściciel mieszkania | |
a lodger | lokator | |
a tenant | lokator - najemca | |
a flatmate | współlokator | |
a chalet | chatka w górach | |
a flat = apartament | mieszkanie | |
a windowsill | parapet | |
a roller blind | żaluzje , rolet | |
an equipment | sprzęt | |
to hand wallpaper | kłaść tapetę | |
to have sth done | zrobić coś, wyremontować | |
to fit | wyposażyć | |
to decorate | dekorować , przyozdobić | |