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Bell curve"The distribution of test scores formed a ___ _____, with most students clustered around the average
Big data"Companies analyze ___ ____ to uncover trends and patterns that can inform business decisions."
Correlation coefficient"The ___________ ___________ between temperature and ice cream sales indicated a strong positive rel
Series"In calculus class, students study the convergence of the Taylor _______ to approximate complex func
Prerequisite: "Understanding basic algebra is a ____________ for taking advanced calculus courses."
Interpolation"The scientist used _____________ to estimate the temperature at specific times between recorded da
Transfinite set"Cantor introduced the concept of a ___________ ____ to describe collections of elements with cardin
Interconnected"In graph theory, vertices and edges are ______________ elements that form networks."
Assertion"The mathematician made a bold _________, claiming to have proven a conjecture that had puzzled rese
Gambler"If there are 36 equally likely outcomes in a roulette spin and only one outcome results in a win fo
Delve into"Students must _____ ____ historical events as part of their curriculum."
Mandatory"It's ______ for all employees to attend the safety training session next week."
Trailblazing"The company's _______ approach to renewable energy solutions has set a new standard in the industr
Validation"The _______ process confirmed that the experiment's results were statistically significant, meanin
PitfallPoor communication often leads to project delays, a common _______ in management."
Interpretation"The ambiguous wording in the contract led to multiple _________, causing a legal dispute."
Assailant"The detective pursued the _______ behind the burglaries."
Overestimate"It's easy to ________ how much time a project will take, leading to unrealistic deadlines."
Broaden“The law of near enough says that you can dramatically increase the chances of a coincidence if yo
Uniformly“Instead of spreading the prize money at random over the tickets as they are printed and released,
law of the probability lever“Finally, the ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ says that slight changes can make highly improbable events alm
Pivotal"Their findings underscored the ______ role of mathematical modeling."
Intricate"The 'Mosquito theorem' elucidating the ________."
Groundbreaking"Ross's ________ endeavors garnered international acclaim."
Stem"What cryptographers were really after was a universal one-way function that _______ from some natur
Evaporate"But this contradiction _________ if, instead of looking for the shortest program that outputs a st
Persuade"Pass tried to ________ several graduate students to explore the question with him, but none were w
Perplexing"On War is widely regarded as a _____________ text."
Remainders"The ________ have been classified in three groups."
Inability"Those who know him insist he's driven by an utter ________ to accept defeat."
Simultaneously"He was the first guy to beat match two records together and play them ________."
Tangible matter"In debates about abstract concepts, it's often helpful to ground the discussion in __________, pro
Upper bounds"Solving a strengthened minimization problem provides an _________ on the optimal value of the origi
Gravitational clutches"__________ of a black hole can be compared to the irresistible pull of a powerful magnet."
Quantum computers"________ promise to revolutionize data processing, opening new possibilities in scientific researc
Variables"In scientific experiments, researchers manipulate independent _______ to observe their effects on d
Solutions"The team brainstormed various _______ to address the software bug."
Optimization"The company hired a consultant to improve the efficiency of their supply chain through _______ tech
Misuse"The _______ of sensitive data can lead to privacy breaches and legal consequences."
Aberration"The sudden spike in sales last month was an _______; our usual trend is more stable."
AppealingThe new product design received positive feedback from customers due to its _______ aesthetics."
Blunder"His decision to invest in that failing company turned out to be a costly _______."
Redefine"The artist aimed to _______ traditional landscape painting by incorporating abstract elements."
Pivotal"The discovery of penicillin was a _______ moment in the history of medicine."
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