wordki.pl - nauka słówek
angol studia dział 8
autor: Bloodwish
reporterHe usually is the first to tell us about breaking news
paparazzoHe supplies photos for alls sort of media
editorShe controls the contents of a newspaper
producerHe is responsible for the quality of a TV programme
bloggerShe is writing an internet blog
correspondentBased abroad, he is responsible for finding out the news thereb
anchorHe is the central person in a news programme
moderatorresponsible for the facilitation, review, and guidance of a discussion or a debate and its related i
columnistShe writes for a newspaper or a magazine, commenting the news
publisherShe finds authors and gets their books ready for publication
scoopa thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or so
a sound bitea short extract from a recorded interview or speech, chosen for its succinctness or concision
blogospheremade up of all blogs and their interconnections
broadsheetsa newspaper that is printed on large sheets of paper, or an advertisement printed on a large sheet o
circulation figuresThe number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold during a given period
citizen journalismthe collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especiall
go viralto become very popular very quickly
hitsbroadcast to a larger audience
libel lawsprawo zniesławienia
the tabloidsa newspaper that has small pages, short articles, and lots of photographs
trendingcurrently popular or widely discussed online
spina form of propaganda that relies on deceptive methods of persuasion
viewing figuresoglądalność
chequebook journalismthe practice of paying a large amount of money to acquire the exclusive right to publish a person's
popular pressmaterial written for the general public
ratings warsa situation in which each of two or more channels makes a particular effort to attract more viewers
pose a questionto bring attention to a problem, often in the form of a question
off the recordunofficial
media coveragezasięg mediów