wordki.pl - nauka słówek
słowa z 'way'
autorzy: eriiica, ...
This is (the best way to) cook brefto najlepszy sposób aby ....
There's (anather way of doing it)Jest inny sposób robienia tego.
I (hate the way) he laughts.Nie lubie sposobu jakim sie on śmieje
I did it (on my own way).Zrobiłem to po swojemu.
to be/get in the way [Excuse me, you're standing in the way.]na drodze, =to be blocking the path
get out of the way=stop blocking the path
in a bad way=very ill e.g. after accident
the wrong way round=reversed, część zewnętrzna na zewnbątrż ???
the wrong way up=upside down [odwrotnie, do góry nogami]
inside out=reversed ???
ask the way=ask for directions
find the way=discover the route somewhere
know the way=be familiar with the route somowhere
go out of the way=take extra trouble to do smth, dołożyc wszlkich starań
be on it's own way=arriving soon
lead the way=travel in front
have your own way=have things as you want them
Na way !!!Absolutely not !!!
By the waydodawanie przy okazji zdania.
It's way too big=it's much too big
way out=strange, =weird (dziwny, dziwaczny)
under way=in progress