wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Darvy
Depressionfeeling of sadness
Abusivebeing rude or agressive
Significantlyenough to be noticable
moodschanging states of mind
Comprisesconsist of
High-energya lot of stimulants
ProcessA series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about the result
aspectfeature of sth
Rewardpraise for sth
challengingsth what needs a lot of skills
well-beinga state of happiness
goalaim, destination
prone tohave a tendency
dispositiona person's usual temperament or frame of mind
triggerset off, initiate
self-centeredtotally preoccupied with one's own concerns
self-confidentsure of yourself
self-controlledin control of emotions, desires, or actions
self-esteema feeling of pride in yourself
selfishconcerned chefly or only with yourself
brainspecial organ in body responsible for thinking