fiddle (100% fit) | as fit as fiddle | |
health (100% fit) | bursting with health | |
fettle (100% fit) | in fine fettle | |
picture (100% fit) | the picture of health | |
daisy (100% fit) | as fresh as a daisy | |
sound (100% fit) | safe and sound | |
scratch (100% fit) | found without scratch on him | |
pink (100% fit) | in the pink | |
door (near death) | at death's door | |
end (near death) | near the end | |
away (near death) | wasting away | |
croak (near death) | about to croak it | |
maker (near death) | about to meet one's maker | |
legs (near death) | on one's last legs | |
bed (near death) | on one's death bed | |
decrepit (near death) | old and decrepit | |
cancer (very ill) | riddled with cancer | |
time (very ill) | living on borrowed time | |
health (very ill) | in declining health | |
disease (very ill) | have a degenerative disease | |
way (very ill) | in a bad way | |