zui4jin4 | recently | |
shen1ti3 | body, health | |
bi3jiao4 | quite, relatively | |
cheng2ji4 | score | |
ma3ma3hu1hu1 | so-so xD | |
nu3li4 | hard [... xue3xi3 - study hard] | |
fei1chang2 | very | |
tai4 | very, too | |
li3 | in | |
li2 | from [used to link two places] | |
you3 | to have | |
mei2you3 | not to have, have not | |
kong1tiao2 | air-conditioner | |
tong2wu1 | roommate | |
yuan3 | far | |
jin4 | near | |
xue2xiao4 | school | |
duo1 | many, much | |
ting3 | quite [+adj + de = hen3] | |
zen3meyang4 | what about... | |
bu2cuo4 | not bad | |
tou2fa | hair | |
chang2 | long | |
yan3jing | eye | |
ge4zi | height | |
gao1 | tall, high | |
dian4shi4 | TV | |
ai3 | short [opposite dla gao1] | |
er3duo | ear | |
zui3 | mouth, ale nie kou3 | |
bi2zi | nose | |
shao3 | little, few | |
gan1jing4 | clean | |
Ni3 shen1ti3 hao3 ma? | Jak się masz? [z użyciem słowa zdrowie] | |
dian4nao3 | computer | |
jia1 | home, family | |
chuang2 | bed | |
zhao4pian4 | photography, picture | |