wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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astonishingvery surprising
remarkableunusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning
highly intimatebeing very likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship
conjurera person who performs magic to entertain people [skojarz z czarem z wowa]
watched closelybe an object of attention, sb is looking on us
or so he saysthat is what he claims
apparentlyused to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true
visualiseto form a picture of someone or something in your mind, in order to imagine or remember them
necessaryneeded in order to achieve a particular result
digitany one of the ten numbers 0 to 9/a finger, thumb or toe
literallyinformal used to emphasize what you are saying/simply or just
attribute sth to sbto think that someone or something has a particular quality or feature
engageto interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
approachto come near or nearer to something or someone,
parloura room in a private house used for relaxing
intimacywhen you have a close friendship or sexual relationship with someone
go hand in handit is closely related to it and happens at the same time as it or as a result of it, so it...
up to a pointpartly, or to a limited degree
hotel suitea set of connected rooms, especially in a hotel
smuggleto take things or people to or from a place/through the border secretly and often illegally
swearuse rude words/promise
wedding ringsgold rings put on on the wedding day
glass tumblera glass drinking container which does not have a handle or a stem [rączki ani nóżki]
tap your feetmeans moving your feet in a beat. Tap dancing is used with Tap shoes
go offstop working/explode
essentiallyrelating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something
to be eagerwanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable
distractionsomething that prevents someone from concentrating on what they are doing
it must do the trickit must work
that wins me roundto persuade someone to support you or agree with you, often when they were opposed to you before
inexplicableunable to be explained or understood
sufficeto be enough
sell-outa performance or sports event for which no more tickets are available, because it is so popular
by word of mouthpoczta pantoflowa
it strikes a chordIf something ..., it causes people to approve of it or agree with it/to remember something
neverthelessdespite what has just been said or referred to
go in forto do something regularly, or to enjoy something
elaborate setssets containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
appear at private functions like this onepojawia się na prywatnych przyjęciach, takich jak to
to sustainodnieść (obrażenia - injuries), to suffer
at the tender age of sixliterary young
obviouslyof course
explicableable to be explained or understood
lucrative tradehandel producing a lot of money
well paid joba job in which you obtain much money
number to dialnumber to telephone
PIN is usually a four-digitPIN jest zwykle czterocyfrowy
intimate performanceexpert, detailed and obtained from a lot of studying or experience SHOW
close relationshipintimate acquaintance
spellbindingporywający, riveting, extremely interesting
to go in forto be keen on sth
he is of the opinion thaton jest zdania, że..
go hand in handit is closely related to it and happens at the same time
to trick us into thinkingzmusić nas do myślenia
distractionrozproszenie, disruption
it would do the trickto zadziała, it would work
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