wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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TRICK photographya
The photography of a ghost is just a TRICKERYa
Using codes in games is CHEATINGa
I didn't see through his lies and DECEPTIONSa
Lie to other people is just DECEITa
Every magican should be a good TRICKSTERa
He's a CHEAT! He never plays faira
It is a TRICK coina
He is so DECEIFUL! Always lie to me.a
baffleto cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something
search warrantan official document which gives police officers the authority to search a building for stolen prope
tensenervous, stretched
attract attentionprzyciągnąć uwagę, to catch notice, thought or interest
door ajardescribes a door that is slightly open
roughnot made in a careful or expensive way
indicatepoint at sth/sb, show sth, suggest
emphasisthe extra force that you give to a word or part of a word when you are saying it
lucky charman object or saying which is thought to have magical powers, such as the ability to bring good luck
spillto (cause to) flow, move, fall or spread over the edge or outside the limits of something
set phrasea phrase in which the words are always used in the same order
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