wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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piece of limestonea chop of a white or light grey rock which is used as a building material
crouchto bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slight
sustainto suffer or experience, especially damage or loss
weatheringdealing successfully with a difficult situation or a problem
no doubt thatwe are sure that
barelyby the smallest amount; almost not, hardly
solelyonly and not involving anyone or anything else, wyłącznie
featurecharacteristic, a typical quality or an important part of something, cecha
weightyheavy, serious
significanthaving important meaning
utterto say something or to make a sound with your voice
voiceddźwięczne; lub: sth was ... - sb gave his opinion on the particular subject
think sth upto produce a new idea or plan
estimateto guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something, szacować
submitto allow another person or group to have power or authority over you, or to accept sth unwillingly
exhibitto show something publicly
bring sb downto cause someone in a position of power to lose their job
bring sb upto care for a child until it is an adult, often giving it particular beliefs
bring sth aboutto cause something to happen
bring sth alongto take someone or something with you
essencethe basic or most important idea or quality of something
ancientvery old, historic
to line upwybór, szeroka gama
effortwysiłek, physical or mental activity needed to achieve something
occur(especially of accidents and other unexpected events) to happen
widelyincluding a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc
burgleto illegally enter a building and steal things
tenanta person who pays rent for the use of land or a building
neatlyin a clever and simple way
brief outlinekróki zarys
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