sorcerer | in stories, a man who has magical powers and who uses them to harm other people | |
once upon the time | pewnego razu | |
clearing | polana,an area in a wood or forest from which trees and bushes have been removed | |
vanish | dissapear | |
to some extent | do pewnego stopnia, up to the point | |
top hat | a tall black or grey hat worn by men on some formal occasions | |
bow hat | melonik | |
four-leaf clover | czterolistna koniczyna, small plant which is thought to bring good luck to anyone who finds it | |
throw off | zrzucić | |
persist | sth continues to exist | |
to perform a ritual | wykonywać rytuał | |
cheat on | zdradzać, betray | |
slam the door | to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise [door] | |
square a circle | try to do something which is very difficult or impossible | |
considerable | meaningful, znczący | |
decay | decompose | |
senile decay | uwiąd starczy | |
crumble | to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces | |
origin | pochodzenie [the ... of the] | |
bud | pączek | |
line-up | wybór, gama, ale też ustawiać się [w kolejce] | |