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autor: natka2525
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fragranceperfum, pleasant smell
sniffto smell, inhale through nose
sentientable to experience physical and possibly emotional feelings zdolny odbierać wrażenie
Congenitallysth existing since birth wrodyonz
anosmicwithout smell, not able to smell
Scentpleasant natural smell
Beveragea drink of any type, napoj
Alertquick to see, understand and act in a particular situation(czujny, przytomny
Aurallyrelating to hearing(słuchowy)
Bouta short period of illness, short time of an activity
Odoura smell, often one that is unpleasant
Rectifyto correct something or make something right(naprawiać)
Reluctantlyto do sth not willing to
Acknowledgeto accept, admit or recognize the truth or existence of something
Intrigued byto be very interested in someone, especially because of that somebody is strange or mysterious
Offspringsomebody’s children, potomostwo
Supremevery great or Best (naczelny, najwyższy)
Stalenot fresh and new(nieświeży, czerstwy)
Mouth wateringdescribes food that looks it is very tasty
Acriddescribes a smell or taste that is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat
Assiduouslyshowing hard work, care and attention to detail gorliwy sumienny
nasal passagekanał nosowy,a tube in your body which air, liquid, etc. can pass through
Olfactionability to smell, powonienie
Inextricablyunable to be separated, nierozerwalne
Backdropa painted piece of cloth that is hung at the back of the stage in a theatre
Trigger a rush of memoryremind
Reminiscecast your mind back, wspominać
Precautionsprotection, caution środek ostrożności
Rancidstale, zjełczły
Pungentsharp, very strong smell, gryżacy zapach
Mustysmelling unpleasantly old and slightly wet(stęchły, zbutwiały)
Sizzlingto make a sound like food cooking in hot fat skwierczeć
Ripecompletely developed(dojrzały
Developsgrows, increase, improve
Individualssingle, specific
Chargethe price that you must pay for sth
Jamsoverloads of informations
Preventto stop, preclude
Createto make sth new
Conferenceofficial meeting
Assessdecide about its e.g. value oceniać, szacowac
Gainto get more of sth zyskiwac
Operateto work, or to make sth work, działać i don't undesr, how this machine operate
Softwarecomputer programs
Installto put computer program onto computer
circuitstrack; electricity system łącza
overloadsth having too many things so that not working good
transmitto pass
comprehensive packagespackages including everything that is necessary
drawbacknegative points, minusy wady
screenflat surface where are showing e.g. pictures, films
internetsystem of connected computers
feemoney paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service składka czesne
fundsa sum of money saved, collected or provided for a particular purpose
inconvenienceniedogodności, discomfort
finemoney paying to the law as a kind of punishment, grzywna
accountan arrangement with the bank that you can keep money there
billa request for payment of money owed
paymentan amount of money paid
nurseryżłobek a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work
graduatea person who has a first degree from a university or college
kindergartennursery school
post- graduate-a student who has already got one degree and is studying at a university for a more
state schoola school that is free to go to because the government provides the money for it
primary schoolschool for children between five and eleven years old
secondary schoolschool for children between 11 and 18 years old
telephone circuitstelephone bill
to have access to sththe right to use sth
regulated by lawscontrolled by laws
to charge a feeto make sb needed to pay
on an international scaleuniversal
to create inconvenienceto make trouble
to cause offenceto make offence
to lack the fundssb has no money
a battle is on the horizonwe can see the battle, but it is far from us
express concerntroska- to show worry
to outweigh sthto be greater or more important than something else
outsmartprzechytrzyc to get an advantage over someone by being more clever or using trick
outgrownto grow bigger than or too big for something(wyrastać z
outlivedto live or exist longer than someone or something(przeżyć kogoś)
outsellto be sold in greater numbers than another product(podwyższyć)
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