fragrance | perfum, pleasant smell | |
sniff | to smell, inhale through nose | |
sentient | able to experience physical and possibly emotional feelings zdolny odbierać wrażenie | |
Congenitally | sth existing since birth wrodyonz | |
anosmic | without smell, not able to smell | |
Scent | pleasant natural smell | |
Beverage | a drink of any type, napoj | |
Alert | quick to see, understand and act in a particular situation(czujny, przytomny | |
Aurally | relating to hearing(słuchowy) | |
Bout | a short period of illness, short time of an activity | |
Odour | a smell, often one that is unpleasant | |
Rectify | to correct something or make something right(naprawiać) | |
Reluctantly | to do sth not willing to | |
Acknowledge | to accept, admit or recognize the truth or existence of something | |
Intrigued by | to be very interested in someone, especially because of that somebody is strange or mysterious | |
Offspring | somebody’s children, potomostwo | |
Supreme | very great or Best (naczelny, najwyższy) | |
Stale | not fresh and new(nieświeży, czerstwy) | |
Mouth watering | describes food that looks it is very tasty | |
Acrid | describes a smell or taste that is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat | |
Assiduously | showing hard work, care and attention to detail gorliwy sumienny | |
nasal passage | kanał nosowy,a tube in your body which air, liquid, etc. can pass through | |
Olfaction | ability to smell, powonienie | |
Inextricably | unable to be separated, nierozerwalne | |
Backdrop | a painted piece of cloth that is hung at the back of the stage in a theatre | |
Trigger a rush of memory | remind | |
Reminisce | cast your mind back, wspominać | |
Precautions | protection, caution środek ostrożności | |
Rancid | stale, zjełczły | |
Pungent | sharp, very strong smell, gryżacy zapach | |
Musty | smelling unpleasantly old and slightly wet(stęchły, zbutwiały) | |
Sizzling | to make a sound like food cooking in hot fat skwierczeć | |
Ripe | completely developed(dojrzały | |
Develops | grows, increase, improve | |
Individuals | single, specific | |
Charge | the price that you must pay for sth | |
Jams | overloads of informations | |
Prevent | to stop, preclude | |
Emergencies | accident | |
Create | to make sth new | |
Conference | official meeting | |
Assess | decide about its e.g. value oceniać, szacowac | |
Gain | to get more of sth zyskiwac | |
Operate | to work, or to make sth work, działać i don't undesr, how this machine operate | |
Software | computer programs | |
Install | to put computer program onto computer | |
circuits | track; electricity system łącza | |
overload | sth having too many things so that not working good | |
transmit | to pass | |
comprehensive packages | packages including everything that is necessary | |
drawback | negative points, minusy wady | |
screen | flat surface where are showing e.g. pictures, films | |
internet | system of connected computers | |
fee | money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service składka czesne | |
funds | a sum of money saved, collected or provided for a particular purpose | |
inconvenience | niedogodności, discomfort | |
fine | money paying to the law as a kind of punishment, grzywna | |
account | an arrangement with the bank that you can keep money there | |
bill | a request for payment of money owed | |
payment | an amount of money paid | |
nursery | żłobek a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work | |
graduate | a person who has a first degree from a university or college | |
kindergarten | nursery school | |
post- graduate- | a student who has already got one degree and is studying at a university for a more | |
state school | a school that is free to go to because the government provides the money for it | |
primary school | school for children between five and eleven years old | |
secondary school | school for children between 11 and 18 years old | |
telephone circuits | telephone bill | |
to have access to sth | the right to use sth | |
regulated by laws | controlled by laws | |
to charge a fee | to make sb needed to pay | |
on an international scale | universal | |
to create inconvenience | to make trouble | |
to cause offence | to make offence | |
to lack the funds | sb has no money | |
a battle is on the horizon | we can see the battle, but it is far from us | |
express concern | troska- to show worry | |
to outweigh sth | to be greater or more important than something else | |
outsmart | przechytrzyc to get an advantage over someone by being more clever or using trick | |
outgrown | to grow bigger than or too big for something(wyrastać z | |
outlived | to live or exist longer than someone or something(przeżyć kogoś) | |
outsell | to be sold in greater numbers than another product(podwyższyć) | |