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Describing Places/Buildings 2,
autor: Darvy
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in search oflooking for sth
the bustle ofbusy and usually noisy activity
to be tucked awayto be hidden and in a quiet area
an alleya narrow street between buildings, not usually used by cars
to witnessto see sth happen (crime, accident); to experience important events or changes
to sampleto taste food or drink; to choose some people from a larger group to ask them questions
the hustle and bustlebusy and noisy activity
a lodgesmall house on the land of a large country house (usually at the main entrance gate); a room at the
a four-postebeda bed with four tall posts at the corners with a cover fixed at the top of the posts and curtains ar
a linen bed coversheets made of cloth made from a flax plant (high quality clothes)
a soothing pale bluethe shade of pale blue that makes you feel calmer and less anxious
a neat green lawnidy and carefully arranged area of ground covered with short grass
to stretch (all the way down to)to make sth bigger or looser by pulling it
an orcharda place where fruit trees are grown
to surround / surrounded by / surroundingsto be all around someone or sth on every side/passive form/ objects that are around a person or a th
pouring rainvery heavy rain
to gaze at sb/sthto look at sth for a long time, giving all attention, often without realizing
marblea type of hard rock which after smoothing and polishing is used for making statues etc.
dignified (beauty)behaving in a calm and serious way which makes people respect you
the artefactsan object such as a tool, weapon etc. that was made in the past and is historically important
impressivemaking you admire it cause it’s very good, large etc.
hum (of voices)a long continuous sound
polishedshiny because of being rubbed, usually with polish
sweeping staircasesstairs that form a curved shape
to gasp atto breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard cause you are surprisedto breathe in suddenly in a
to displayto show sth to people or put it in a place where people can see it
en exhibit / an exhibitiona painting that is put in a public place so that people can go to see it/a show of paintings, photos
lifelikelooking exactly like a real person or thing
a carvingan object or pattern made by cutting a shape in wood or stone for decoration
to whisperto speak very quietly
reluctant to do sthslow and unwilling
spectacularvery impressive; very sudden, unexpected or extreme
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