cult following | o a group of fans who are highly dedicated to a specific area of pop culture | |
perish | zginąć; ginąć | |
adversary | opposite, przeciwnik | |
illicit | illegal | |
shrill | przenikliwy | |
copyright | rights granted by the law of a jurisdiction to the autho | |
notion | kaprys | |
incapacity benefit | state benefit that is paid to those below the State Pension age who cannot work because of illness o | |
be on a dole | zasilek | |
nudge | szturchać | |
pursue | prześladować | |
commute | the process of travelling between a place of residence and a place of work | |
evaluate | test, examine | |
wealth | affluence | |
affluence | wealth | |
assess | estimate | |
estimate | assess | |
poor | have no money | |
poverty | opposite to wealth | |
worsen | decline | |
fasten the seatbelts | zapiąć pasy | |
be on a strike | strajkować | |
execute | perform | |
perform | execute | |
realize | perform | |
resident | a person who live in a place | |
give sb credit | trust | |
clog | zatykać, block | |