wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: koni91
sudden and suprisingdramatic
a period of 10 yearsdecade
failingbreaking down
the first company to develop new methods of doing somethingtrailblazer
someone that you cempete withrival
a complete change from a bad situation to a good oneturn around
the financial result of a company’s business (i.e. profit or loss)bottom line
say what they wantmake their point
in a diplomatic waytactfully
wander of a subjectdigress
when you said the meeting would finishon time
time you have allowed for each pointtimetable
person you have asked to take notesminut-taker
make sure everyone has the agenda well in advanceCirculate the agenda well in advance
takethe minutes
appointthe minute-taker
circulatethe agenda
moveon digressions
avoidto the next point
finishon time