wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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phrasal verbs cons 6-8 - go - make
autor: houston
dodaj do moich zestawów
go about withkeep company with
go aheadgo in front
go back onbreak a promise, agreement etc
go down withbecome ill
go forattack
go forapply for
go in forenter a competition
go offexplode
go off(of food) go bad
go outbe extinguished
go outmix socially
go overexamine details
go overrepeat
go roundbe enough for everyone to have a share
go afterchase
go aheadto start to do sth
go off(of an alarm clock) to begin making a noise that wakes sb up
go overrehearse
go throughexamine sth very closely
go withmatch sth, e.g. in colour, design, etc.
hold backnot to allow oneself to show feelings, emotions
hold backhesitate (wahać się)
hold backkeep a secret
hold onwait
hold outhope - to believe that sth will happen
hold outendure (wytrzymać, przetrwać)
hold outlast
hold outto continue to defend
hold updelay
hold upattack/rob (sb or sth)
keep at sthcontinue working on sth
keep away (from)stay away
keep backstay back
keep backconceal (ukrywać, taić)
keep behindmake sb remain after others have left
keep sb/sth downcontrol
keep (oneself) fromprevent from
keep (oneself) fromavoid
keep in withremain friendly with
keep sb/sth off(cause) to stay at a distance
keep offnot to enter an area
keep oncontinue
keep sb outno to let sth/sb enter a place, not to let sb/sth in
keep up withfollow and understand sth that changes fast
lay down sthstate rules
let sth downlengthen a garment (część garderoby)
let sb downdisappoint sb
let sb offnot to punish
let onreveal (wyjawiać) a secret
let outmake a garment (część garderoby) wider, looser, larger etc.
let outmake sth known
let uplessen(zmniejszać), stop gradually
look aftertake care of
look down on sbdespise, patrzeć na kogoś z wyższością
look up to sbpodziwiać kogoś
look forsearch for
look forward toanticipate, be impatient and eager to do sth, meet sb, go somewhere
look intoinvestigate (badać, prowadzić śledztwo)
look back on sthto think about events that took place in the past
look onbe a spectator
look onregard, consider
look out (for)watch out
look overinspect carefully
look throughstudy carefully (sth written)
look uplook for an adress, name, etc. in the relevant book or list
look upvisit sb after a lapse of time (specially sb living at some distance)
look sth upcheck a meaning, esp. in dictionary
look upimprove
make for sthmove quickly towards sth
make sth outsee or hear sth with difficulty
make sth over to sbtransfer sth to sb so that they become official owners
make upinvent (story, poem etc.)
make upmake an amount (suma, kwota) complete
make upcompose
make upreconcile (po-godzić się)
make upprepare (by mixing)
make up one's mindfinally decide on sth
make oneself upput cosmetics on
make up forcompensate for
make up sthconstitue, form
make outcomplete; fill in
make outdistinguish (dostrzegać, wyróżniać, odróżniać)
make outunderstand
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