go about with | keep company with | |
go ahead | go in front | |
go back on | break a promise, agreement etc | |
go down with | become ill | |
go for | attack | |
go for | apply for | |
go in for | enter a competition | |
go off | explode | |
go off | (of food) go bad | |
go out | be extinguished | |
go out | mix socially | |
go over | examine details | |
go over | repeat | |
go round | be enough for everyone to have a share | |
go after | chase | |
go ahead | to start to do sth | |
go off | (of an alarm clock) to begin making a noise that wakes sb up | |
go over | rehearse | |
go through | examine sth very closely | |
go with | match sth, e.g. in colour, design, etc. | |
hold back | not to allow oneself to show feelings, emotions | |
hold back | hesitate (wahać się) | |
hold back | keep a secret | |
hold on | wait | |
hold out | hope - to believe that sth will happen | |
hold out | endure (wytrzymać, przetrwać) | |
hold out | last | |
hold out | to continue to defend | |
hold up | delay | |
hold up | attack/rob (sb or sth) | |
keep at sth | continue working on sth | |
keep away (from) | stay away | |
keep back | stay back | |
keep back | conceal (ukrywać, taić) | |
keep behind | make sb remain after others have left | |
keep sb/sth down | control | |
keep (oneself) from | prevent from | |
keep (oneself) from | avoid | |
keep in with | remain friendly with | |
keep sb/sth off | (cause) to stay at a distance | |
keep off | not to enter an area | |
keep on | continue | |
keep sb out | no to let sth/sb enter a place, not to let sb/sth in | |
keep up with | follow and understand sth that changes fast | |
lay down sth | state rules | |
let sth down | lengthen a garment (część garderoby) | |
let sb down | disappoint sb | |
let sb off | not to punish | |
let on | reveal (wyjawiać) a secret | |
let out | make a garment (część garderoby) wider, looser, larger etc. | |
let out | make sth known | |
let up | lessen(zmniejszać), stop gradually | |
look after | take care of | |
look down on sb | despise, patrzeć na kogoś z wyższością | |
look up to sb | podziwiać kogoś | |
look for | search for | |
look forward to | anticipate, be impatient and eager to do sth, meet sb, go somewhere | |
look into | investigate (badać, prowadzić śledztwo) | |
look back on sth | to think about events that took place in the past | |
look on | be a spectator | |
look on | regard, consider | |
look out (for) | watch out | |
look over | inspect carefully | |
look through | study carefully (sth written) | |
look up | look for an adress, name, etc. in the relevant book or list | |
look up | visit sb after a lapse of time (specially sb living at some distance) | |
look sth up | check a meaning, esp. in dictionary | |
look up | improve | |
make for sth | move quickly towards sth | |
make sth out | see or hear sth with difficulty | |
make sth over to sb | transfer sth to sb so that they become official owners | |
make up | invent (story, poem etc.) | |
make up | make an amount (suma, kwota) complete | |
make up | compose | |
make up | reconcile (po-godzić się) | |
make up | prepare (by mixing) | |
make up one's mind | finally decide on sth | |
make oneself up | put cosmetics on | |
make up for | compensate for | |
make up sth | constitue, form | |
make out | complete; fill in | |
make out | distinguish (dostrzegać, wyróżniać, odróżniać) | |
make out | understand | |