I am busy today. | Jestem dzisiaj zajety. | |
I'm not busy tomorrow. | Nie jestem jutro zajety. | |
Are you busy today? | Czy jestes dzisiaj zajeta? | |
I'm sure that they are busy today. | Jestem pewien, ze oni sa dzisiaj zajeci. | |
Am not I late? | Czy nie jestem spozniony? | |
Are you sure that they are busy tomorrow? | Czy jestes pewien, ze oni sa jutro zajeci? | |
We are late. | Jestesmy spoznione. | |
We are not sure. | Nie jestesmy pewni. | |
Where is she? | Gdzie ona jest? | |
Why is it necessary? | Dlaczego to jest konieczne? | |
Who is she? | Kim ona jest? | |
How are you? | Jak sie masz? | |
She is there. | Ona tam jest. | |
She isn't very well. | Ona nie czuje sie zbyt dobrze. | |
Why aren't you satisfied? | Dlaczego nie jestes zadowolony? | |
Where is it? | Gdzie to jest? | |
The concert is on Friday. | Koncert jest w piatek. | |
When is the exam? | Kiedy jest egzamin? | |
The party is on Saturday. | Party jest w sobote. | |
When is the party? | Kiedy jest party? | |
When is it? | Kiedy to jest? | |
Where is the concert? | Gdzie jest koncert? | |
Is it on Sunday? | Czy to jest w niedziele? | |
When is the concert? | Kiedy jest koncert? | |