prior to sth | before a particular time or event | |
to rehearse | to practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance | |
a poppy | a plant with large delicate flowers, which are typically red, and small black seeds | |
a lapel | a strip of cloth which is part of the front of a jacket or coat. It is joined to the collar and fold | |
to shed blood | to produce tears blood | |
joyful | very happy | |
plentiful | If something is plentiful, there is a lot of it available | |
joyous | full of joy; very happy | |
stirring | A stirring speech or song is one which produces strong positive emotions. | |
glittering | exciting or admired by many people, usually relating to rich and famous people | |
sparkling | shining brightly | |
a national anthem | a country's official song which is played and/or sung on public occasions | |
to commemorate | to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event, especially by a public ceremony | |
refreshments | (small amounts of) food and drink | |
a corsage | a small decorative group of flowers which a woman pins to her clothes or ties around her wrist, usua | |
a garland | a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head as a decoration | |
a maypole | a tall pole with long ribbons (= narrow strips of cloth) fixed to the top of it, the ends of which p | |
a streamer | a long narrow strip of brightly coloured paper that is used as a decoration for special occasions su | |
a float | to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink | |
spellbound | having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot think about anything else | |
blinding | extremely bright | |
dazzling | extremely attractive or exciting | |
thrilling | extremely exciting | |
spectacular | very exciting to look at | |
to display | to arrange something or a collection of things so that they can be seen by the public | |
impressive | If an object or achievement is impressive, you admire or respect it, usually because it is special, | |
fasting / fasting period | to eat no food for a period of time | |
Lent | in the Christian religion, the 40 days before Easter, a period during which, for religious reasons, | |
in advance | before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing | |
a routine | a regular series of movements, jokes or similar things used in a performance | |
a song and dance | to make something seem more important than it really is so that everyone notices it | |
a comic | making you want to laugh; funny (performance) | |
a reveller | to dance, drink, sing, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way | |
a whirl | to (cause something to) turn around in circles | |
to emerge | to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something | |
a veil | a piece of thin material worn by women to cover the face or head | |
a service | a system or organization that provides for a basic public need | |
moving | causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy | |
To Exchange vows | to exchange with sb serious promises or decisions | |
Newlyweds | couple who has recently got married | |
gleaming | bright and shiny from being cleaned | |
a bridesmaid | a girl or woman who during the marriage ceremony helps the woman who is getting married | |