put aside | save (usu money) | |
put away | put in the usual place | |
put down | suppress by force | |
put down | write down; make a note | |
put down | attribute to | |
put down | criticize | |
put forward | propose | |
put off | postpone | |
put on | switch on | |
put on | increase (weight) | |
put on | pretend to be/have | |
put out | extinguish | |
put out | cause inconveniance | |
put through | connect by phone | |
put up | offer hospitality | |
put up | erect | |
put up | raise prices | |
put up with | tolerate | |
run across | meet or find by chance | |
run after | chase | |
run away with | steal | |
run down | (of battery) lose power | |
run down | (passive) be exhausted | |
run down | knock down | |
run down | speak badly of sb | |
run into | meet unexpectadly | |
run into | collide with | |
run out of | come to an end | |
run over | read through quickly, review | |
run up against | face, encounter | |
run through | examine qucikly, rehearse | |
see about | deal with, make arrangements for, see to | |
see sb off | go with sb to their point of departure | |
see sb out | accompany sb to the door/exit of a house/building | |
see over | inspect (a house, flat etc.) | |
see through sb/sth | not be deceived by sb/sth | |
see sb through | support sb until the end of a difficult time | |
see to | make arrangements, see about | |
see to | attend to sth | |
set about | begin to do | |
set about | attack | |
set aside | save for a special purpose | |
set back | delay progress of sth | |
set back | delay an event till a later date | |
set back | cost (slang) | |
set out | begin a journey | |
set out | start a course of action with a clear aim in mind | |
set in | start and seem likely to continue | |
set on | (cause to) attack | |
set up | start a business | |
set up | build, erect | |
set up | estabilish | |