wordki.pl - nauka słówek
słownik angielsko-polski
wybierz język nauki
wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
załóż konto
phrasal verbs cons 9-10 put - set
autor: houston
dodaj do moich zestawów
put asidesave (usu money)
put awayput in the usual place
put downsuppress by force
put downwrite down; make a note
put downattribute to
put downcriticize
put forwardpropose
put offpostpone
put onswitch on
put onincrease (weight)
put onpretend to be/have
put outextinguish
put outcause inconveniance
put throughconnect by phone
put upoffer hospitality
put uperect
put upraise prices
put up withtolerate
run acrossmeet or find by chance
run afterchase
run away withsteal
run down(of battery) lose power
run down(passive) be exhausted
run downknock down
run downspeak badly of sb
run intomeet unexpectadly
run intocollide with
run out ofcome to an end
run overread through quickly, review
run up againstface, encounter
run throughexamine qucikly, rehearse
see aboutdeal with, make arrangements for, see to
see sb offgo with sb to their point of departure
see sb outaccompany sb to the door/exit of a house/building
see overinspect (a house, flat etc.)
see through sb/sthnot be deceived by sb/sth
see sb throughsupport sb until the end of a difficult time
see tomake arrangements, see about
see toattend to sth
set aboutbegin to do
set aboutattack
set asidesave for a special purpose
set backdelay progress of sth
set backdelay an event till a later date
set backcost (slang)
set outbegin a journey
set outstart a course of action with a clear aim in mind
set instart and seem likely to continue
set on(cause to) attack
set upstart a business
set upbuild, erect
set upestabilish
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