wordki.pl - nauka słówek
prepositions zad.5-9
autor: houston
at... your INSISTANCE we withdrew the complaint
to... EVERYBODY'S ASTONISHMENT the room was full of students willing to listen to the talk
for/inMargo, who usually criticised politicians, ... ONCE finds herself ... STEP with the latest proposals
atGo to your room ... ONCE!
withoutI wish these letters to be sent ... delay
at/intoMary must have been driving ... FULL SPEED; otherwise she wouldn't have CRASHED ... a tree.
outperson who is SINGING ... OF TUNE
atDon't take his remarks seriously. Can't you see that he is just POKING FUN ... YOU?
onShe spilt coffee on her essay ... PURPOSE so that nobody'd find out about her problems with spelling
out ofI had to wait for book because it WAS ... STOCK
in/with...REGARD to your suggestion to change the schedule, I regret to inform you that I don't agree
besideHe misunderstood our letter comletely and his remarks WERE ... THE POINT
onThe doctor will not see any more patients today ... ACCOUNT of a demanding operation
fromAfter he went bankrupt he had to START his business ... SCRATCH
underYour ARE ... ARREST and whatever you say may be used against you!
by/withAs long as you LEARN all the dates...HEART, you'll PASS THE EXAM ... FLYING COLOURS
onI'm afraid I can't ask her for help because we AREN'T ... SPEAKING TERMS
againstDon't forget that smoking in pubs is ... THE LAW in Ireland
out ofWe're planning to go to Greece in October because hotels are cheaper ... SEASON
onWhen I noticed that library WAS ... FIRE I begean to cry.
offEverything I'm telling you about now is ... THE RECORD,so turn your recorder off.
underThey were working ... THE DELUSION that they'd be paid accordingly
onI have two pieces of softwer ... ORDER. Hopefully,they'll be sent to me soon.
onI can't drink alcohol because I'm ... DUTY.
onPeter thanked the professor for such an inspiring series of lectures ...BEHALF OF EVERYONE.
inSarah fainted because her diet was LACKING ... IRON.
forPolan failed to QUALIFY ... THE FINAL ROUND.
withKids cried when they were FORCED TO PART...THEIR MOTERS.
about/onMonica was NERVOUS...GOING...A BLIND DATE.
forI'm HOPING ... another chance.
onPinning all his HOPES ... such an unreliable person was his chief mistake.
offI tried to contact you 5 times yesterday, but your phone WAS...THE HOOK all day.
to/forIt is an HONOUR ... me to introduce to you such an eminent historian.
ofDon't expect her to show any compassion, she has a HEART...STONE.
fromGary was EXPELLED...univeristy for plagiarizing his MA thesis.
atWe should not have chosen Maria as our treasurer;she is HOPELESS...NUMBERS
inThere has been a considerable INCREASE...salaries recently.
fromI wonder what happened to Sylvia, I haven't HEARD...HER for a long time.
onAccording to recent police reports crime is ...INCREASE in this part of the town.
toHe is KEEN...BECOME a doctor.
onUnfortunately,he is not very KEEN...BIOLOGY.
onEvery year we spend 2 week in mountains ... AVERAGE.
againstThe jewels look beautiful ... the BACKGROUND of black velvet.
on... BALANCE our company managed to maintain its financial footing.
inIf you spend your afternoons drinking beer in front of the TV,you'll never BE...SHAPE.
forMa name is William, or Bill ... SHORT.
inAfter spending so much time...EXILE,he longed to see his familt.
atI managed to win his support...LAST
out ofMy wife left me and the dog ran away. I seem to BE...LUCK.
inThey prefer to KEEP their employees ... THE DARK
by... HIS OWN ACCOUNT, the fish was two meters long.
onYou must ... NO CONDITION LET HIM see this photo.
under/in...no circumstances should you switch on the electricity.
onYou don't have to pay now. You will PAY...DELIVERY.
intoResearch...the origins of life on Mars will develop significiantly.
on/byThree kilometres...FOOT and two ...CAR
underThere will be no late night parties ... MY ROOF.
inI've been working 20 days ... A ROW.
in/atWe went bargain hunting ... THE SALES.
toYou can stay or you can go - it's all the same ...ME.
about/ofLast night I DREAMT..childhood in the countryside.
atBeing unemployed for several years, Mike SNATCHED...every opportunity to get a job.
fromHis dedication to work was ABVIOUS TO everybody ... THE OUTSET.
out ofI had to buy a second-hand copy because the book ...PRINT.
againstDont'r prop your bike...the wall;there're already some scratches on it.
forUnfortunately, there are few jobs PROSPECTS...ambitious young people.
ofPROSPECTS...clinching the deal are very slight.
underThis contract is not valid, as the menager signed it ... PRESURE.
offShe was...WORK for six months after she gave birth.
fromJackson was BANNED...the following matches for foul play.
up toDon't expect him to FACE...the FACT that he is no longer the boss.
inWho is ...CHARGE OF this company?
onI decided to quit my job as a surgeon when I began losing grip...MY DUTIES.
forHarry is not ELIGIBLE...THE POST. He hasn't worked for the company long enough.
forYour performance was satisfactory. yet there is still ROOM ... IMPROVEMENT,so keep on practising.