wordki.pl - nauka słówek
cons 9-10 prepositions&phrasal verbs&colocations
autor: houston
outPlease PUT...your cigarettes before takeoff.
throughThe hotel receptionist PUT ME ... to room 617.
offWe PUT ... our wedding for another two months.
asideShe has some money PUT ... for her old age.
downShe PUTS ... all her thoughts in a diary every night.
outI'll accept a lift if it doesn't PUT you ... too much.
up withI can't PUT ... his rude behaviour any more.
downHe always PUTS his wife ... by insulting her in public.
onCould you PUT ... the air conditioning? It's hot in here.
out ofThey have RUN ... money fot the political campaign.
overHe RAN ... his notes before entering the exam room.
up againstThe plans for the new road RAN ... a lot of local opossition.
downShe feels RUN ... after working so hard recently.
away withThe thief RAN ... all the money from the bank.
acrossHe RAN ... his ex-wife in the supermarket.
intoOur car was badly damaged when a van RAN ... it.
toDon't do the washing up now, I'll SEE ... it later.
overLet's make an appointment to SEE ... the property with the surveyor.
throughHe thinks he's clever but I can SEE ... his tricks.
about/toYou look after the children and I'll SEE ... the tickets.
offWe all come to the station to SEE you ... .
asideHe SETS ... a little money every month.
aboutAs soon as the last guest had gone, he SET ... cleaning the flat.
upWhen he finished university he SET ... his own computer company.
outHe SET... to become a millionaire before he was thirty.
inWe'll need winter coats now that the cold weather has SET ... .
backThe leather jacket SET me ... $300.
upThe sound equipment has been SET ... ready for the concert.
backThe storm did a lot of domage and SET construction ... by a week.
aboutThe gang of hooligans SET ... him with sticks.
upShe SET ... a committee to oppose the plans for the new building.
fromShe was EXPELLED ... the school when they caught her taking some test papers.
forHe FORGAVE ME ... arriving late for his performance.
fromDon't worry - you'll be SAFE ... those men here. They won't find you.
toI REPLIED ... the INVITATION for the party.
ofIt's so TYPICAL ... HIM to be late for an appointment.
atMozart was GENIOUS ... composing operas.
fromThe train to Liverpool DEPARTS ... PLATFORM 7 at 10.30.
ofHe was ASHAMED ... the way he had treated his friend.
ofIn this city you have to BEWARE ... the busy roads as they're very dangerous
withThis new hairdryer does not COMPLY ... British safety standards.
afterThe boy was NAMED ... his grandfather.
ofJoan is FRIGHTENED ... spiders
withThe barrister was very HAPPY ... the jury's verdict.
inAll the tax is INCLUDED ... the price written on the item.
forIf the boat was going to sink, there would be a great NEED ... lifejackets.
inIf you PERSIST ... calling me such horrible names, I'm going to tell the teacher.
with/aboutJimmy AGREED ... his fiancee ... where they should get married.
byI was SHOCKED ... the price they charged.
forDon't forget to THANK your mother ... your present.
toThe hijackers SURRENDERED ... the police.
onIt's about time you stopped RELYING ... your parents.
lose... one's temper
lose... weight
lose... money
lose... one's mind
miss... the train
miss... a film
miss... a target
miss... the bus