wordki.pl - nauka słówek
prepositions zad. 10-14
autor: houston
atThe two countries are ... WAR.
atI advise you not to take up boxing because it puts your health ... RISK.
toSpending to much time in front of a computer may be DETRIMENTAL ... YOUR EYES.
atHis provocative stance put him ... ODDS with the literary estabilishment.
inAdjust the camera properly and make sure everybody is ... FOCUS.
on... Monday evenings
with/inI SCREAMED ... ALL MY MIGHT but there were no policeman ... SIGHT.
forLet's settle it ONCE AND ... ALL.
atwe ARRIVED ... A POINT where we had to agree ti disagree.
toElizabeth's ACCESSION ... the throne
tohe SMASHED his priceless vasa ... PIECES
out ofYour going to Taiwan alone IS ... THE QUESTION.
behindMist marital arguments take place ... CLOSED DOORS.
at/on... first I'd like to discuss the importance of genetics and then I will MOVE ... to discuss sth els
to... what extent do you support this claim?
inWe could hear thunder rumbling ... THE DISTANCE.
to/onThere are LIMITS ... HOW MUCH you can download from this website.
withI am extremaly PLEASED ... our new garden.
withMuch as I like our managers, I don't feel like SOCIALIZING ... THEM.
forDerek ASKED ... SOME ADVANCE MONEY because he was penniless.
ofThis restaurant offers a wade VARIETY ... dishes from swhr
inWhen I told her how much I paid for the necklace she look at me ... DISBELIEF.
forWe're HEADING ... the nearest telephone.
onsome interesting documentaries ... THE RADIO.
withStudents were FED UP ... constant testing.
inDon't you know that smoking may RESULT ... lung cancer?
for/toKNOWING ... SURE that robber was still in town,police restricted their INVASTIGATIONS...this area
ofget rid ...
on/inthe child CLUNG ... his mother ... terror
atTHROWING paper balls ... thei TEACHER
to/atshe THREW the ball ... me
toCONTRARY ... scientific evidence, my grandma still believes that the Earth is flat
outHe MISSED ... on being granted the scholarship.
ofwhy she is so PROUD ... her son?
inUnless this roof is renovated,it's ... DANGER of collapsing.
ofHow can you be so cruel if you know you are the only person I DREAM...
fromYou must wear headphones to PROTECT your ears...noise.
inwatch Polish troops ... ACTION
withthe burglar threatened the couple ... A KNIFE
totoo much sunlight may be HARMFUL ... your skin
in...a sense,Ben was right to reject your proposal.
ondepend ... sb
tohard work is a KEY ... success
forI seriously doubt whether this computer game is SUITABLE...children.
withMy computer GOT INFECTED...a virus
intake these pills ... CASE the fever continues
ofall teachers signed the petition REGARDLESS...whether they were members of trade unions or not
of/atYou may ACCUSE me...treason,but...LEAST I am not ashamed to admit it.
atThe latest letter from my son finally PUT MY MIND...REST
atWe'll never finish painting the bridge if we continue painting it ...THIS RATE.
out ofWe didn't pay the photographer because our faces were totally...FOCUS
overOnly people...18 can vote in England.
byShe works as a plumber but she is a butcher ...TRADE.
inOurs is one of the largest companies TRADINIG...textiles
behindSteven attended a remedial class because he LAGGED...other children
insmoking was banned ...THE WORKPLACE
fromFar...asking her to leave,Dan encouraged her to stay!
fromThe professor expressed his doubts whether capital punishment'd DETER people ...CRIME
onhe went down with the flu...the day of the wedding
withoutshe switched off the light...WARNING
atteacher allowed only one student to SPEAK...A TIME
inhelp people...NEED
forevery child has NEED...ATTENTION
offTICK...the items on the list
away/upMark always tries to STEER...from talking about feminism,but he ENDS...participating in heated debat
outWe've SORTED...that PROBLEM with the cheque
onBuyin a house is a serious decision.Don't expect me to MAKE it ... the spur of the moment.
onmy father GOT DOWN ... ALL FOURS to play with my children
in/forAlec is so proud because he is...LINE...the position of manager
atyou can photocopy a page or 2 but I DRAW THE LINE...photocopying the whole book
atI like the arrangement of my new study cuz I have all my documents...MY FINGERTIPS
toWe should find a reasonable solution before the CONFLICT COMES...A HEAD
offSarah didn't prepare her presentation beforehand and she gave some information...THE TOP OF HER HEAD