wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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50 words
autor: mtx8
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treatto behave towards or deal with sb
moral valuesbeliefs of what good and bad behaviour is
restedfeeling energhetic because one has just had a rest
submissiveobeying sb without arguing
impulsivedoing things without thinking about them carefully
quarrelsomeoften getting involved in arguments
conciliatorywilling to end a disagreement with sb
compliantwilling to do what one is asked to do, obedient
obstinatedetermined to do what one wants, stubborn
sweetenersth one can give or to do make sth else more pleasant
factorsth that affects an event or process
pose a questionto ask a question
nannyingworking as a nanny
cherishedloved veryv much and kept deep in one's heart
unconditionalgiving to others without asking for anything to be done in exchange
extented familya ffamily which includes aunts, unsles, and grandparents who live all together
squabblean argument of little importance
ensureto make sure that sth happens
sense of belonginga feeling that one is part of a group
benefit fron sthto receive sth that will help to improve one's life
attitudethe way that one thinks or feels about sth
blame sb for sthto say that sb is responsible for sth that happened
cooto speak in very soft and quiet voice
longinglywith a feeling of desire
prama small vehicle which a baby can be put in and moved around
vacuuma place or position thatneeds to be filled by sb or with sth
innumerabletoo many to be counted
globe-trottingtravelling around the world
primitivevery simple or old-fashioned
urgea strong wish to do or hvve sth
perplexingdifficult to deal with or understand
conscientiousvery careful to do thing properly
fulfilto do what ws expected
instinctivedone without thinking
hyper-awareextremely knowledgeable about sth
life-transformingable to change sb's life completely
stablenot likely to change
to put it mildlyto say sth in such waythat it sounds less direct or critical
workaholismworking too much and finding it difficult to stop
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