dry | sucho | |
below zero | poniżej zera | |
breeze | a light wind | |
chilly | unpleasantly cold | |
cool | quite cold, not cold or hot | |
damp | a bit wet but not raining | |
drizzling | raining lightly | |
freezing | mroźno | |
gale-force | very strong winds | |
mild | pleasant and not cold | |
pouring | raining a lot | |
scorching | unpleasantly hot | |
showers | short period of rain | |
warm | a pleasantly high temperature | |
mist | is not very thick,often occurs in the mountains | |
fog | thicker in towns | |
smog | is caused by pollution in big cities | |
blizzard | a snowstorm with very strong winds | |
drought | a long, usually hot, dry period when there is little or no rain | |
flood | when everything becomes filled and covered with water | |
hailstorm | a storm with small balls of ice that fall like rain | |
heatwave | a period of unusually hot weather | |
hurricane | a violent storm with very strong winds | |
lightning | a flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity | |
monsoon | the season when it rains a lot in Asia | |
thunder | the loud noise that you hear during a storm | |
tornado | a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle | |
settled | stabilna | |
humid | wilgotny | |
fanning | wachlować | |
frost | mróz | |
icycle | sopel | |
tempt | kusić | |
advert | reklama | |
broaden | poszerzyć | |
impact | wpływ | |
growth | wzrost | |
source | źródło | |
aircraft | samolot | |
vapour | para | |
contribute | przyczyniać się | |
to halt | zatrzymywać | |
permit | pozwolenie | |
output | produkcja | |
insist | nalegać | |
sufficiently | wystarczająco | |
admit | przyznawać | |
account for | być przyczyną | |
alleged | przypuszczalny | |
encouraged | zachęcony | |
contribute | przeznaczać | |
exaggerated | przesadny | |