ordinary | usual | |
difficult | hard | |
advantage | benefit | |
to purchase | to buy | |
development | progress/ growth | |
to reduce | to cut/ to make less | |
sensation | feeling | |
concept | notion/idea | |
gloomy | sullen (ponury, posępny) | |
aim | goal | |
convert | przebudować | |
halve | przepoławiać | |
launch | wystartować (rakietę lub z planem, biznesem) | |
toll | zbierać żniwo (negatywne) | |
to divert sth into sth else | to change | |
to sweep | zamiatać | |
pile | sterta | |
device | mechanizm | |
glare | jaskrawe światło | |
significantly | znacznie | |
columnist | felietonista | |
obituaries | nekrologi | |
gripping | exciting and very interesting | |
slow | boring (movie) | |
book in advance | to reserve some time before the actual performance | |
stalls | parter | |
aisle | przejście | |