to inf | afford+ | |
for | spend (wydać na)+ | |
ing | worth (robienia czegoś)+ | |
for | pay (za coś)+ | |
with money | buy sth (za pieniądze)+ | |
cost sb a fortune | kosztować fortunę | |
a waste of time and money | strata czasu i pieniędzy | |
be overcharged on | przepłacić za coś | |
make a living by doing sth (by ing) | zarabiać na życie czymś (robiąc coś) | |
make a lot of money when ... | zarobić dużo (kiedy->przy czymś) ... | |
run out of | no longer have a supply | |
put by | save | |
take out | arrange to do sth (usu a loan) | |
eat into | use more than expected | |
live on | have an amount of money to buy things | |
cut down on | reduce | |
sb on sth | congratulate+ | |
from | retire+ | |
for a position | apply+ | |
in sth | specialise+ | |
with sth | deal+ | |
in | have experience+ | |
by sb/sth | be impressed+ | |
at sth | be interested+ | |
in sth | be experienced+ | |
for noun/ing | be qualified+ | |
for | suitable+ | |
for sth | be responsible+ | |
at noun/ing | skilled+ | |
at sth | good+ | |
in an application | fill+ | |