ham | szynka |
butter | masło |
ice cream | lody |
loaf of bread | bochenek chleba |
biscuits/cookies | herbatniki/ciasteczka |
apple | jabłko |
banana | banan |
kiwi | kiwi |
orange | pomarańcza |
pear | gruszka |
strawberry | truskawka |
cabbage | kapusta |
carrot | marchew |
cucumber | ogórek |
garlic | czosnek |
mushrooms | grzyby |
onion | cebula |
radish | rzodkiewka |
tomato | pomidor |
jar of jam | słoik dżemu |
loaf of bread | bochenek chleba |
bottle of juice | butelka soku |
bottle of juice | butelka soku |
bottle of juice | butelka soku |