commodity | towar |
surplus | nadwyżka |
deficit | deficyt |
balance of trade | bilans handlowy( visible) |
balance of payments | bilans płatniczy |
self-sufficient | samowystarczalny |
autarky | samowystarczalnośc gospodarcza państwa (self-sufficient without foreign trade |
protectionism | polityka polegajaca na ograniczeniu importu by chronic własny rynek |
factors of production, input | czynniki wytwórcze |
raw materials | surowce |
division of labour | podziałpracy |
economies of scale | efekt skali( savings in unit cost arising from large-scale production |
quotas | limity na import, restrictions on the quantity of imports |
visible trade (merchandise trade) | trade in raw materials and goods |
barter (counter-trade) | handel wymienny( exchange good without using money |
domestic industries | rodzimy przemysł |
comparative adventage | przewaga komparatywna |
tariff | tax charged on import, cło |
pro-forma invoice | invoice sent to customers before the good supplies |
commercial bill (bill of exchange) | weksel kupiecki, written order instructing someone to pay someone else a certain sum of money on a g |
letter of credit | akredytywa, paper issue by buyer's bank as proof that the seller will be paid |
bill of lading | list przewozowy, document giving title to goods that act as receipt and a contract to ship them, |
receivables | należności |
bear the cost | ponosić koszty |
factoring | kupowanie dyskontowych długów, selling debts at a discount to someone who will try to collect the de |
at a discount | po niższej cenie( sprzedaż weksli) |
EXW- ex-works | at the sellers premises, buyer bears all the cost and risk |
FCA - free carrier | seller delivers good to carrier named by the buyer |
FAS - free alongside ship | this price include transport to the port |
FOB - free on board | transport to the port plus loading onto the ship |
CFR - cost and freight | seller by by transport and freight but not by insurance |
freight/cargo | ładunek na statek/ładunek |
CIF - cost, insurance and freight | seller by transport and freight and marine insurence |
CPT - carraige paid to | CFR but in transport another than by ship |
CIP - carriage and insurance paid | CIF but in translort in land |
DAF - delivered at frontier | seller delivers goods to place on the frontier |
DES - delivered ex ship | seller deliver goods and make it available to buyer on board the ship |
DEQ - delivered ex quay | makes the goods available to the buyer on the quay or wharf |
DDP - delivered duty paid | seller delivered the goods to the buyer and pay all cost and insurance |
DDU - delivered unpaid | seller pay everything without import charges |
wharf ( quay) | nabrzeze |
draw up a bill of exchange | sporządzać weksel |
acknowledge | potwierdzać |
outlet | place where goods are sold, rynek zbytu |
distributor | person who that stocks and resell components goods from manufacturers to retailers |
end-user | consumer |
wholesaler | intermediary who stocks good and delivers them to retailers |
elastic price | price which can be change, make low when we sell more goods |
distribution channel | all companies and individuals involved in moving good from the producer to the consumer |
middleman | intermediary between producer and costumer |
customer | person who buys something in a store |
consumer | person who usees something |
market skimming | charging a high price for a new product |
direct cost | sum of price of material and price of labour, |
overheads | expenses of operating a business that can't be charged to any one product, process or department |
merchant | person who buys goods and sales them on his own account |
market penetration | selling new product cheply in order to get a large market |
manufacture | produkować |
retailer | merchant who sale to the final customer, detalista |
improve, go up, increase, take off, rise, grow, shoot up, soar, rocket, jump | wzrosnąć(10) |
rocket | wzrosnąć share prices |
jump | wzrosnąć the stocks |
upturn | poprawa koniunktury |
upward trend | koniunktura wzrostowa |
increase, growth, upturn, rise, impovement, surge, upsurge, upward trend | wzrost (10) |
fall, go down, come down, decline, decrease, slump, slip, plummet, shrink, fall off, drop | spadać, obniżać się , kurczyć(10) |
shrink | kurczyć się(ubrania |
downturn | pogorszenie koniunktury |
downward trend | spadek aktywnosci gospodarczej |
fall, decrease, decline, drop, downturn, downward trend | spadek |
level off, remain stable, remain constant stagnate, stabilise, stay at the same level | stabilizować się |
peak, reach the peak, top out | osiągnąc szczyt, makimum |
reach the low point, bottom out | osiągnąć dno, pnkt najmniejszy |
recover | wychodzić z kryzysu |
considerable, significant, substantial | znaczny |
sharp, rapid | gwałtowny |
moderate | umiarkowany |
slight | nieznaczny, niewielki |
abrupt, sudden | nagły |
steady | równomierny |
gradual | stopniowy |
come out of the red | wyjść z długów |
depression | kryzys, serious, long-lasting recession |
expand | rozwijac sie, rozrastac |
boom | period when demand is rising, economy is working to capacity(wydajnoć) |
recession | period when economic activity falls and unemployment rises |
contract | skurczyć się( the economy |