wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
załóż konto
autor: klaudiG
dodaj do moich zestawów
assetsanything owned by company - cash, buildings, machinery
liabilitiesmoney that company will have to pay to someone else-bills, debts, interest, taxes
tax accountingcalculating how much tax an individual or a company should pay or trying to reduce this figure
cost accountingdetermining the unit cost of a manufactured product, including indirect cost
financial accountingkeeping financial records and preparing financial statements
auditingchecking and evaluating financial statements, sprawozdanie ksiąg rachunkowych
bookkeepingrecording transactions in ledgers
incomethe money that a company receives from supplying goods or services
expenditurethe money that a company spends
management accountingyhe use of company's accounting data by its managers for planning and contrl
bookeepersrecord transaction in purchase ledgers and sales ledgers
management accountinterpret the transactions recorded by bookkeepers
senior accountants at financial controller and director leveluse accounting data to make decisions about how the business should proceed
internal auditingis about making sure that the management has sufficient control over what is going on
external auditorshave to verify that a company's published financial statements give a true and fair view of its prof
profit and loss account(income statement)rachunek wyników(zysków i strat)
balance sheetshow what company has and what it owes at the end of the financial year
funds flow statementsshow whether the company is generating or consuming cost(sprawozdanie z przepływu funduszy)
comissioncharge for arranging a transaction prowizja
feecharge for a service performed by a bank opłata bankowa
premiumspayments for an insurance policy składki
amortizationreduction in value of an asset charged against profits
netremaining afet deductions have been made
grossbefore deductions brutto
consolidateadj meaning for a whole group of companies, łączny, zbiorczy
minority interestspart-ownership(less than 50%) of other companies, pakiet mniejszościowy
intangible assetsthing of value that cannot be physically touched such as eputation, brand names, trademarks,
shareholder's equitythe net worth of a company the amount by which assets exceed liabilities
evaluateszacować(asset), sprawdzac obliczac
unit costkoszt jednostkowy
ledgerksięga rachunkowa
trademarkznak handlowy, towarowy
brand namenazwa marki
taxable profitzysk podlegajacy opodatkowaniu
reconcilepogodzić coś z czymś
reconciliationzgoda, pojednanie
capacitywydajność, zdolność wytwórcza
policyan agreed plan of what to do polityka, linia postępowania
threatspotential sources of danger, zagrożenia
oversightsupervision, nadzór
targetlevel or situation which you intend to achieve
coreadj, basic and most important, podstawowy
soundadj, in good condition, solidny
sterlingthe name of British currency
inflationa general, continous increase in prices
remunerated /rI'mju:nEreIt/paid, płłcony wynagrodzony, opłacany
implement policywdrażac politykę
influence exchange ratewpływac na stopy procentowe
maintain stabilityutrzymywac stabilnosc
reduce threatsredukowac zagrożenia
incentive(for sb) to do sth /In'sentIv/ecouragement or a reason to do sth, bodziec, zachęta
plantfactories, and the machines and equipment in them, zakąłd przemyśłowy
capitalmoney invested in companies
supplythe quantity if goods and services offered for sale by companies, podaz
base ratethe rate at which the central bank lends money to commercial bank
consumespend money on goods and services
demandwhat people consume anh much they invest, popyt
labourwork done by people employed by business
the applicantbuyer, wnisoskodawca
the beneficiaryseller
the issuing bankthe buyer's bank
the advising bankthe seller's bank
bank draftprzekaz bankowy
the drawerissue a bill of exchange, trasant, wystawca weksla
payeeis the party to whom the bill is payable, remitent, odbiorca płatności
draweetrasat, akceptant weksla, odbiorca weksla
trade draftweksel kupiecki
pegustalic isę, utrzymywac cenę, fiz
convertibilityzamiennośc, wymiennosć
floating ratestopa zmienna
hunchpodejrzenie, przeczucie
turnoverthe total amount of money spent in market
equityanoder word for stocks and shares
domesticbelonging to one's own country
speculatorspeople who buy and sell things in the hope of making profit
liquideasy to sel, convert into cash
fuctuationsprice changes
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