wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: wojciechg
commit a crimebreak the law
illegalagainst the law
questionask to find out what they know
charge with crimeofficial statement that sb break the law
proveprovide facts to show smth is true
evidenceinformation about the crime
convicted of the crimethe jury decides that the defendant is guilty
sentencethe punishment
minor offencescrimes wich are not serious
finemoney you have to pay
offenceillegal act
appeal courtsad apelacyjny
pleadmake a statement of what you belive
probationmiec kuratora
awardto give money or a prize following an official decision
damagesIn law, the money awarded to a party in a civil suit as reparation for the loss or injury for which
settleto reach a decision or an agreement about something, or to end a disagreement
complainskarzyc sie
compensationmoney that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some pr
lawsuitstart legal proceedings
legitimate problemallowed by law
other meansinnymi sposobami
resolve the disputesolve argeement
submitt to the clerkzlozyc przed urzednikiem
small claims courtdisputes with low monetary amount
estimate the size of the stakesoszacowac koszt roszczenia
statue of limitationsustawa o przedawnieniu
infringebreak sb rights
pleadingspisma procesowe
to attestposwiadczyc
to be admitteddopuszczony