wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: juleczka
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batcha group of people or things
endeavoura serious effort or attempt
creditpraise (uznanie, pochwała)
braverycourage (odwaga)
bouta period of time during which someone suffers from sth (illness)
role modelwzór do naśladowania (people admire and tries to be like this person)
wussa person who is physically weak and ineffectual
circulationkrążenie (blood flow)
sleepovera party where one or more people stay overnight at one person's house
assessmentevaluation (ocena)
purchasesomething that is bought
hiccupa small problem, change, delay (opóźnienie)
extracurricular activitieszajęcia pozaszkolne
household namesomeone or something known to many people, familiar or common
blokea man, guy
credentialsqualities, skills that make a person suited to do a job
fieldan area of work, study
vehiclea machine that is used to carry people from one place to another
adversitya difficult situation or condition or tragedy
acclaimstrong approval (zgoda) or praise
accomplishedvery skillful (utalentowana osoba)
remarkableoutstanding (niezwykłe)
strandedleft in a place without a way of leaving it (opuszczony)
retardedslow or limited in mental development (opóźniony)
day-to-dayhappening every day
speechlessunable to say a word becouse of anger, surprise
minornot very serious (small)
viablecapable of being done or used (zdolny do życia)
numbunable to feel anything in a particular part of your body becouse of cold, injury
compassionatefeeling or showing concern for someone who is sick (współczujący)
upcominghappening or appearing soon
well and trulywithout doubt or question (really)
instantaneousimmediate, right away
debilitatingmaking someone or something physically weak (wyniszczać)
outstandingremarkable (niezwykłe)
heroichaving or showing great courage
innovativeintroducing or useing new ideas or methods
high-voltagewysokie napięcie
extraordinaryvery unusual
welcomegiving someone happiness or pleasure
severevery bad, serious or unpleasant
roughdifficult to deal with
to sustainto experience sth bad or unpleasant
to abortto stop sth before it is completed becouse of problems or danger
to revolutionizeto change sth very much
to brainwashrobić komuś "pranie muzgu"
to hobbleto walk with difficulty because of injury or weakness
to runto direct the business or activities
to compensateto provide something good as a balance against something bad
to pop into go to a place quickly, suddenly
to impedeto slow the movement, progress or action (hamowac, utrudniać)
to take on sthto deal with something
to flee-fled-fledto run away from danger
to forfeitgrzywna/stracić
to launchto begine sth that requires much effort
to lodgeto become stuck or fixed in a specified(określone) place
to come aboutto happen
to retrieveodzyskać
to pull throughto survive a serious illness, operation
to mingle withto move around during a party, talking with different people
to assessoceniać
to nagto annoy someone with repeated questions
to accelerateto couse something to happen sooner
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