batch | a gropu of people or things | |
endavour | a serious effort or attempt | |
credit | praise or special attention that is given to someone for doing sth or for making sth happen | |
bravery | courage | |
bout | a period of time durin which someone suffers from sth (illness,disease) | |
role model | someone who another people admires and tries to be like | |
wuss | a weak or cowardly person | |
circulation | the movement of blood through the body that is caused by the pumping action of the heart | |
sleepover | a party where one or more people stay overnight at one's person's house | |
assessment | the act of making judgment about sth | |
purchase | sth that is bought | |
hiccup | a small problem, change or delay | |
extracurricular activities | activities that are not part of the usual schoool or colllege course | |
household name | someone or sth known to many people, familiar or common | |
audition | a short performance to show the talents of someone who is being considered for a role in a play | |
bloke | a man | |
credentials | qualities, skills, experience that make a person suited to do a job | |
field | an ares of work, study | |
vehicle | a machine that is used to carry people or goods from one place to another | |
advertisity | a difficult situation or condition, misfortune or tragedy | |
acclaim | strong approval or praise | |
accomplished | very skillful, having or showing the skill of an expert | |
remarkable | outstanding | |
stranded | left in a place without a way of leaving it | |
dramaticcally | extremely | |
retarted | slow or limited in mental development | |
day-to-day | done or happening eevery day | |
speechless | unable to speak because of anger,surprise | |
minor | not very serious | |
viable | capable of being done or used | |
numb | unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body because of cold, injury | |
compassionate | feeling or showing concern for someone who is sick, huhrt, poor | |
inflatable | sth that is _____ must be filled with air in order to be used, e.g. a boat, mattress, ballon | |
incoming | happening or appearing soon | |
well and truly | without doubt or question | |
instantaneous | right away | |
debilitating | making someone or sth physically weak | |
outstanding | remarkable | |
heroic | having or showing great courage | |
innovate | introducing or usiing new ideas or methods | |
high-voltage | having or using a very powerful flow of electricity | |
extraordinary | very unusual (positive) | |
welcome | giving someone happiness or pleasure | |
severe | very bad, serious, unpleasant | |
rough | difficult or unpleasant to deal with | |
to sustain | to experience sth bad or unpleasant | |
to abort | to stop sth before it is completed because of problems or danger | |
to revolutionize | to change sth very much or completely | |
to brainwash | to cause someone to think or believe sth by using methods that make a person unable to think normall | |
to hobble | to walk with difficulty because of injury or weakness | |
to run | to direct the business or activities of sth | |
to compensate | to provide sth good as a balance against sth bad or undesirable | |
to pop in | to go to a place quickly, suddenlyu or briefly | |
to inpede | to slow the movement, progress or action of someone or sth | |
to take on sth | to begin to deal with sth, such as a job or responsibility | |
to flee | to run away from danger | |
to forfeit | to lose or give up something as a punishment or because of a rule or law | |
to launch | to begin sth that requires much effort | |
to lodge | to become stuck or fixed in a specified place or position | |
to come about | to happen | |
to retrieve | to get and bring sth back from a place | |
to pull through | to survive a serious illness, injury, operation, etc. | |
to mingle with | to move around during a party, meeting, etc., and talk informally with different people; | |
to assess | to make a judgment about something; | |
to nag | to annoy someone with repeated questions, requests, or orders; | |
to accelerate | to cause something to happen sooner or more quickly; | |
in peak condition | in excellent condition; | |
to make a sacrifice | to give up something that you want to keep especially in order to help someone; | |
on the lookout for | looking or searching for something or someone; | |
rise to fame | to become famous; | |
out of the blue | without warning : in a surprising or unexpected way; | |
on the verge of sth | at the point when something is about to happen; | |
to make a contribution to sth | to do or give to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make somet | |
to get sth back on track | to return to the way things normally run; | |
keep to a minimum | to reduce something to the smallest amount / number possible; | |
by sb's side | loyal to someone; | |
all of a sudden | suddenly; | |
to have your fair share of | to have a lot or more than enough of something bad; | |
to be a testament to | to be proof or evidence that something exists or is true; | |
to put a ban on | to forbid something; | |
to trun into trouble | to experience problems, difficulties; | |
in good spirits | feeling happy and positive; | |
to take sb under your wing | to help, teach, or take care of someone who is younger or has less experience than you; | |