wordki.pl - nauka słówek
A medium of no importance
autor: Ida
infatuationstrong, unreasonable, temporary feeling of love for someone or interest in sth; zauroczenie
viciousmalicious, violent, cruel, callous
sloppycareless, untidy
monstrousextremely shocking, huge
desensitise sb to sthmake someone react less strongly to sth by making them become used to it; numb
shallowhaving only a short distance from the top to the bottom; antonym of deep
acquisitiveeager to own and collect things; zachłanny
telly/boxslang name of TV
not a scrapabsolutely none
scrappiece of sth
advent of stharrival, introduction
well-adjustedable to deal well with the problems of life
the truth is breakingthe truth becomes known
diligentworking hardly and carefully
impressionableeasily influenced
brutalitycruel and violent behaviour; atrocity
intactcomplete, not damaged or changed
outnumber sthbe greater in number
formerthis first one (of previously mentioned); antonym of latter
retainkeep sth or continue to have sth
impartcommunicate info to sb; give a particular quality to something
glowingfull of praise
chattertalk for a long time about things that are not important
barelyonly with great difficulty or effort (= only just)
resembleto look like or be similar to sb/sth
hinge (up)on sb/sthcompletely depend on sb/sth
deteriorationbecome worse
amenable toaccept what someone says or does without arguing